Amount: The maximum Federal Pell Grant award is $7,395 per year.
Amount: Amounts range from $3,900 - $12,400 per academic year, depending on your financial need and the high school curriculum you completed (Indiana Academic Honors diploma).
If you receive the Frank O'Bannon Grant or the 21st Century Scholars Award, you must complete at least 30 credit hours each academic year to remain eligible for the maximum state financial aid award. Frank O'Bannon Grant recipients who complete at least 24 credit hours each year are eligible for state aid, but receive an amount less than students who complete 30 credit hours.
For additional information about State of Indiana financial aid programs, visit in.gov.
* Available only if you are a full-time undergraduate student pursuing your first bachelor's degree.
The U.S. Department of Education's Direct Loan Program includes offers four types loans:
These long-term, low interest student loans are available in the form of a subsidized (need-based) and/or unsubsidized (non need-based) loan.
Eligibility: Awards are based solely on financial aid eligibility as determined by the FAFSA and the number of hours enrolled.
Amounts: Annual grade-level maximums (based on credit hours earned) vary according to whether you are a dependent or independent student. These are the rates for students who are dependents of their parents:
Repayment of your loan(s) begins six months after you graduate, leave the university, or drop below half-time enrollment (six credit hours or less).
The interest rates for Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans may change each year in July.
Federal loans are also subject to an origination fee, which adjusts each year on October 1.
Other Information: Independent students (as determined by the FAFSA) may be eligible for additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized loans. All independent students must be enrolled in at least six credit hours to be eligible for the Federal Direct Loan program.
Eligibility: Part-time, on-campus student employment may be available if you have financial aid eligibility as determined by the FAFSA.
* Available only if you are a full-time undergraduate student pursuing your first bachelor's degree.