Your success is important to us, so we want to ensure you have a smooth start as you begin your college journey.
Friday, August 16, 2024 – New and Transfer Students
Saturday, August 17, 2024 – Returning Students
The Fall 2024 Knight Quest in-person events will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in The Learning Commons. Returning students who have a notification in the MUHUB that they are Clear for Fall 2024 Knight Quest do not need to complete the in-person process.
Those who are scheduled for approved early arrival will be notified by their coach of the date for their Knight Quest event.
Questions? Contact us at
First-Time Freshmen and Transfer Students
This area is clear when the deposit is received. When the $100 enrollment deposit has been paid, the Student Finance View Account Activity page in MUHUB will reflect the payment in the Deposit bubble.
First-Time Freshmen and Transfer Students
We must have official copies of your final high school transcripts and/or transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities. Your high school and/or college transcripts should be sent directly to the Office of Admission.
If there is no notice of a missing transcript in the blue notification area of MUHUB, you are clear in this category. When transcripts are outstanding, a notification indicating that final high school and/or college transcripts are required will be present.
First-Time Freshman, Transfer, and Returning Students Who Want to Live on Campus
Please review Live on Campus information. This page explains how to create an account and complete our online housing application. New and Transfer students must submit a $200 housing deposit before your application and room assignment is processed.
Residential students who are clear will see Room and Board charges in the Charges section of the Student Finance Account Activity view in MUHUB.
Students are financial aid clear when the Financial Aid Checklist in the MUHUB indicates “Financial Aid Checklist Complete"and when there is no Knight Quest alert in the MUHUB that financial aid is not complete.
Marian University is unable to disburse financial aid funds to your student account until all documents are complete. If you wish to borrow federal student loans, you must complete the loan request on the award letter or accept your loan eligibility through MUHUB.
In addition, you must sign your Master Promissory Note and complete entrance counseling.
Note about Private Loans: Students who have a private loan award will be unable to complete their checklist. When the award letter has been signed and all aid other than the private loan has been accepted or declined, the checklist will be considered complete.
After you have registered for classes, you will be able to view your bill in MUHUB. The bill includes the balance due for your semester tuition and fees and, if you plan to live on campus, any room and board charges. We must have received full payment by the due date listed or confirmation that you have established and paid the semester enrollment fee for a payment plan with our approved plan provider powered by NelNet. Student accounts that are not paid in full or set up on a confirmed payment plan are subject to late fees.
Marian University offers a convenient monthly payment option which allows all or part of your expenses to be spread over a period of time. The plan is administered by Nelnet via MUHUB and is available to all students.Students are cleared by the business office when:
Congratulations on completing all required Knight Quest items! You are now ready to begin classes.