IMMEDIATE ACTION Call Safety and Support Services (SASS)
- From an external phone: 574-936-9936
- From an internal extension: 0
- Using Campus Shield, swipe the red emergency phone icon
In the event an active shooter situation:
Faculty and staff should make decisions about lockdown or evacuation on their own only in life threatening situations.
If You Are Inside a Building
And the shooter is not in your building - EXTERNAL LOCKDOWN External lockdown are ordered when the potential threat is outside the building. Building doors are locked and no one is allowed to enter or leave the building. Faculty, Staff, and students should not leave the building.
And the shooter is also inside your building - INTERNAL LOCKDOWN Internal lockdowns are ordered when a potential threat is known or suspected to be in the building. All classroom and office doors are to be secured. Faculty, Staff, and students must remain in the classrooms and offices until the lockdown is lifted.
If You Are Outside a Building
Follow instructions provided to the announced safe location (this will be determined based on circumstances)
- If shooter’s location is known, consider evacuating ONLY if an exit is easily accessible, such as a window that can be opened or broken. If it is possible, safely LEAVE the area in the opposite direction of gunfire alerting anyone you come across of the danger.
- If it is not safe to leave the area, LOCK AND BARRICADE yourself in a room. Close and lock doors, move away from windows.
- Turn off the lights, stay quiet, turn off computer monitors, silence cell phones and other audio devices. Prepare for a possible confrontation with the shooter. Safely gather any tools at your disposal such as fire extinguishers, chairs, mugs, etc. should you ultimately need to “fight.”
- If you are confronted by a shooter, consider using active resistance: fighting back with objects such as fire extinguishers, chairs, mugs chairs, books, desks, etc. This is a last resort.
- Dial 911 as soon as it is safely possible. If you are calling from an in-house phone dial 5-911 or dial 0 for campus Security. To dial the Security cell phone dial 574-935-5765
- Supply the Police/Security with the following information if safety permits:
- Your name and location
- The nature of the incident
- The location of the incident, e.g., college main building, west entrance or Motherhouse main entrance, Zirkle, Hardesty Residence Hall, Miller Residence Hall, etc.
- Description of involved parties/shooter
- The direction in which the shooter(s) is headed/traveling
- Location of any victims and types of injuries