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Respiratory or Circulatory Distress: Code Blue


Call Safety and Support Services (SASS) 

  • From an external phone: 574-936-9936 
  • From an internal extension: 0 
  • Using CampusShield, swipe the red emergency phone icon 


In the event of any a life-threatening medical emergency, follow these steps: 

  1. The first responder on site should check the area for safety concerns. 
  2. After determining it is safe to assist the person, check person for consciousness, respirations and pulse. 
  3. Call 911, or designate someone present to call 911; be sure to identify by name and address where you are on the premises. 
  4. Begin CPR and or First Aid. If you, or someone present is AED trained, designate someone to retrieve one of the of AED’s available on campus and proceed with using that if needed. 
  5. If additional help is required dial, or have someone present dial “0” for the receptionist, explain the type of emergency and where assistance is need so that reception can radio for immediate additional assistance. 
  6. The receptionist will page over the PA “Code Blue” and the location. 
  7. Anyone in-house trained in CPR / First Aid / AED should respond to that location to assist.

Call for assistance.

Give as much information as possible regarding the nature of condition: 

  • Victim’s location 
  • Whether the victim is conscious, breathing, bleeding, or has other injuries 
  • Identity if there are any chemicals or radioactive materials involved 
  • Stay with the person and send someone else to meet the ambulance
DO NOT move a seriously injured person unless their location increases their life-threatening situation.
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Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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