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FAQs for Current Students

Your student account balance can be paid with a credit card or e-check through MUHUB under the 'Student Finance' tab or with cash or check in the Business Office. You may also reference our One-Time Payment Instructions.

  • Fall tuition is due July 15th. 
  • Spring tuition is due December 15th.
  • Summer tuition is due on the start date of classes for the given year. 

  • Refunds are available and will be sent when there is a credit on your student account after covering all charges.
  • The preferred method of refunding is direct deposit.
  • Visit the 'Payment and Refund Options' link on your MUHUB 'Student Finance' page to ensure you have selected a refund method. 

  • Payment plans are available for students of all programs with the exception of Marian's Accelerated Program (MAP) courses.  
  • You may set up a payment plan by visiting MUHUB and following the steps to enroll in a payment plan under your 'Student Finance' tab. 
  • You may reference our Payment Plan Instructions for further step-by-step detail. 

You may request to hold a credit on your student account rather than being refunded.  This credit will rollover to cover future semester balances.  Contact our office via e-mail with a request to hold a credit on your student account and the length of time you wish to hold the credit. 

Bills are available electronically by logging into your MUHUB Student Portal.  You will find your billing statement by clicking the "Financial Information" tab and selecting "Student Finance."

If you see a red balance notification on your MUHUB student portal, you may have a balance on your account.  Unless your balance is $0 or a credit, you will see a notification of the balance.  This prevents registration and any official documents to be submitted to you.

Marian University does not mail physical copies of student bills.  You may access your bill 24/7 by logging in to MUHUB.

Knight Quest is an event required for all students prior to the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.  You will receive communication prior to your Knight Quest date to update you with outstanding items that need completed.  The event gives you an opportunity to finalize last-minute details, including:

  • Student account balance payment. 
  • Financial aid and student loan documents when applicable.
  • Completion of off-campus housing request.
  • Completion of on-campus housing application. 

Refunds are typically available the week after financial aid posts to the student's account.  If you have an overage on your account for any other reason, please e-mail the Business Office to make sure we are aware of your wish to receive the refund.  We process refunds on Tuesday of each week. 

If there were any significant changes to your financial situation during the previous school year, there may be changes to the awards you are eligible for.  If you notice changes that you need clarification on, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 317-955-6040 or

If you have been denied any official documents from the Registrar's Office, you most likely have a balance due on your student account.  Please reference your MUHUB student finance page to see any balance that is due. Once your balance is at $0, your hold will be removed, and we will allow your document to be submitted. 

Students can set their parents and guardians up as proxy users on their student accounts. Visit Person Proxy Instructions for information on how to set this up through MUHUB.  Parents will then have their own login information to access the bill and make payments. 

If you are eligible for an AmeriCorps award, please log in to AmeriCorps, and submit a payment to Marian University. Please be sure to select the option: "Education Award--Education Expense." 

If your bill is paid by an outside source that needs a special billing document from us, please submit your request to our office at For further information about this process, please call our office at 317-955-6020.

When students are awarded Federal Work Study, they must apply for a work study position on campus and be offered the job.  They will then receive a pay check.  If the money is to be used toward the balance, they must then use the check to pay the Business Office. 

Yes. Upon checking out from the Marian University Bookstore, you may let them know to charge your student account. You will need to present your student ID.  Within a week, you will see this charged to your student account on MUHUB.

You may download a billing statement from MUHUB.  This can be submitted to your employer for reimbursement.  The document includes your charges along with your course information. 

To ensure that your military benefits are accounted for properly, please contact our certifying official in the Registrar's Office. They will then communicate the benefit with the Business Office. 

If you receive private scholarships from an outside organization, please make note of this under your financial aid page on MUHUB. You may also send documentation to the Business Office, so we can make a note on your account to expect payment at a later date. 

Statements are available on MUHUB after registration for the upcoming semester.  Bills will not be sent in the mail and must be accessed through MUHUB. Students will receive notification via e-mail when bills are ready to access each semester. 

  • 2022 tax forms will be available by January 31, 2023 on MUHUB. Visit MUHUB prior to January 1, 2023 to opt in electronically. 
    • Person proxy users must be granted access to tax information by their student to retrieve tax forms through MUHUB. 
    • Students must complete the opt-in process to retrieve electronic tax forms. Instructions to complete this process are available here: (How to Set Up Electronic Delivery of 1098 Tax Form). 
  • For questions about reporting, please visit the IRS website.

The Federal Direct PLUS loan funds are applied to the student's tuition and fees first, and then the student's other financial aid funds are applied. Typically, the PLUS funds are used in full, and the student's other financial aid causes the credit amount on the student's account. If there are excess funds from other financial aid (non-PLUS aid), they are refunded to the student directly. If the parent has opted to receive any overage amount resulting from the Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan, a refund will be issued to the parent only for the amount that exceeds the loans the in student’s name. If a parent elects to receive a refund when completing the Parent PLUS Loan application, Marian University honors that decision. 

Tuition insurance is available for current students through Grad Guard. Students are given the opportunity to enroll each semester prior to the start date of classes. 
Contact Us

Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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© 2025 Marian University

Notice of Nondiscrimination: Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students. Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation. Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.