The program is working to build a safe campus culture around dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This program provides services such as educational programming, prevention, and resources for survivors.
View ComMUnity of Care Resource Guide to see campus, local, and national resources and information.
This project was supported by Grant No. 15JOVW-21-GG-02390-CAMP awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.
There are two kinds of resources:
Confidential Resources: Confidential resources do not report crimes and/or violations to law enforcement or college officials without permission, except for extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency.
Private Resource: Private resources are Marian University offices and employees who cannot guarantee confidentiality but will maintain privacy to the greatest extent possible, and information disclosed will be relayed only as necessary to investigate and/or seek resolution and to notify the Title IX Coordinator or designee.
Private resources are also known as mandatory reporters, as all Marian University employees are mandatory reporters unless they are listed as confidential. Mandatory reporters are required to share any instance of or information known about sexual harassment, including dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, to the Title IX Coordinator.
Department | Description |
Counseling and Consultation Services Clare Hall (317) 955-6150 |
Provides free confidential services for all students. Monday - Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm. Emergency services on weekends and after hours on Main Campus: (317) 955-6789 and ask for the counselor on call. |
The Student Health Center Clare Hall, Room 126 (317) 955-6154 |
The Student Health Center is available to all students available during the school year Monday-Friday. An appointment is preferred if possible. |
University Chaplain Oldenburg Hall, Room 124 (317) 955-6528 |
The current University Chaplain is Fr. Barry Fischer. The University Chaplain is the only confidential staff member in University Ministry. Other staff members may certainly be used as a resource and to support students, but they are still mandatory reporters. |
Department | Description |
Marian University Police Department |
The Marian University Police provide 24-hour-a-day patrol protection to the campus, including parking lots and residence halls. Marian University police officers are vested with full law enforcement powers and responsibilities. All offices that are employed by Marian University are required to be certified graduates of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. Marian University police are responsible for a full range of public safety services, including all crime reports, investigations, medical emergencies, fire emergencies, traffic accidents, enforcement of laws regulating underage drinking, the use of controlled substances, weapons, and all other incidents requiring police assistance. If you have a question about a crime or need to report a crime, you may come to the police department and ask to speak with a police officer. If someone has any injuries or disabilities that would prevent them from coming to our location, we will send an officer to their location. You may also send a tip to the Marian University police department using the CampusShield app on your cell phone. This tip may be sent with your name or anonymously. |
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD); 50 N Alabama Street |
IMPD provides police services to Marion County. They are committed to the enforcement of laws to protect life and property, while also respecting individual rights, human dignity, and community values. You can contact police in an emergency by calling 911, or the non-emergency number at (317) 327-3811. |
50 N. Alabama St, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 327-3331 |
The Victim Assistance Unit is a 24-hour crisis intervention with a law enforcement agency. The Indianapolis Victim Assistance Unit helps anyone has experienced or witnessed a physical, emotional, or personal loss as a result of a criminal act. They may provide on-scene crisis intervention, emotional support, community referrals, and help navigating and understanding the criminal justice system. The Victim Assistance Unit helps with a wide variety of case, including domestic violence, assaults, and sex offences. |
Department | Description |
Firefly Children and Family Alliance |
Firefly offers free and confidential services for those in the Indianapolis community who are survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and stalking at any point or stage in their journey or relationship. Some of their services include phone, virtual, or face-to-face meetings; emotional support and safe place to discuss feelings and needs; assistance with protective orders; court advocacy and accompaniment as well as guidance through the criminal justice system; community resource referrals; and support groups. Services are free, confidential, voluntary, and offer flexible support to students. See Survivor Rights for more information |
24/7 Survivor Advocacy Crisis Line (833) 338-SASS (7277) |
Marion county crisis line, available 24/7. |
Center of Hope |
Center of Hope locations can be found at certain hospitals in Indianapolis and provide specialized sexual assault treatment. They provide caring, private, and trauma-informed treatment from medical professionals and can help you understand your rights and next steps. See Sexual Assault Treatment under Student Rights for more information. |
RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network) |
You can call the national hotline or chat online with a trained staff member to provide confidential crisis support. |
National Domestic Violence Hotline |
This crisis line provides 24/7 confidential, one-on-one support to each caller and person on live chat, offering crisis intervention, options for next steps and direct connection to sources for immediate safety for women, men, children, and families affected by domestic violence. |
Julian Center |
The Julian Center provides confidential services to those experiencing domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking and has a continuum of care to offer survivors throughout their journey. They have an emergency shelter, counseling, and support group services, an empowerment support program, sexual assault advocacy, law enforcement advocacy, transitional and supportive housing, legal services, and extended support advocacy. |
Love is Respect |
Designed specifically for teens and young adults, Love is Respect provides 24/7 phone, text, and chat services and offers real-time, one-on-one confidential support from peer advocates. Message and data rates apply on text for help services. |
Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence | Here you can find statewide domestic violence programs that serve survivors all across the state of Indiana. |
Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault & Human Trafficking | Here you can find Indiana Rape Crisis Centers available across Indiana. |
These offices can provide support to individuals either currently seeking other resources, Title IX office support, or no other support. However, they are mandatory reporters and may have to share report information to Title IX. |
Marian University Police Department Paul J. Norman Center |
The Marian University Police provide 24-hour-a-day patrol protection to the campus, including parking lots and residence halls. Reporting to MUPD is a separate process than reporting to the university (i.e., through Title IX); however, MUPD officers are mandatory reporters. You can file a report through the university, MUPD, both of these, or neither of these. |
Clare Hall 109 |
The Personalized Learning Center is committed to supporting students with permanent, as well as temporary, disabilities. These supports are individualized to best support someone's unique needs with the Marian University environment, whether that be through the classroom, housing, dining, parking, or other engagements. |
Oldenburg Hall, First Floor |
University Ministry staff are available resources, but are not confidential and are considered mandatory reporters. The University Chaplain or ordained clergy members may be confidential when acting in that professional capacity. |
Clare Hall 117 |
Clare Hall |
Clare Hall 141, Clare Hall 123 |
Clare Hall 127 |
Clare Hall 127 |
Mother Theresa Hackelmeier Memorial Library, First Floor |
Mother Theresa Hackelmeier Memorial Library, First Floor |
Encompasses tutoring, writing, library and media & IT support |
Marian Hall 116 |
Marian Hall 104 |
See ComMUnity of Care Resource Guide to see on-campus, local, and national resources, as well as links to additional information and education.
a) An employee of the recipient conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the recipient on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct;
b) Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the recipient’s education;
c) dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, as defined below.
The use of physical violence, coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, or other forms of emotional, sexual, or economic abuse directed towards a partner who is or has been in a dating relationship of a romantic or intimate nature.
Dating violence and domestic violence may be differentiated by:
Dating violence and/or domestic violence may also be referred to as intimate partner violence.
As a bystander, you may see the following that may indicate intimate partner violence:
Nonconsensual sexual act, including when the victim lacks the ability to consent (unconscious, under the influence, etc.).
Identifying Sexual Assault
As a bystander, you may see the following before a sexual assault occurs:
You may notice sexual assault has occurred when a survivor:
Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause that person to fear for their safety or safety of others, or suffer emotional distress
Stalking is a pattern of behavior or multiple occurrences. Stalking is often something done by someone they know or someone they have had a close relationship with in the past (i.e. an ex) and can have someone feeling unsafe, on edge, and threatened.
As a bystander, you may see the following that indicates stalking:
Permission from all parties that is clear, knowing, voluntary, and expressed prior to engaging in and during an act. Consent is active, not passive. Silence cannot be interpreted as consent. Consent can be revoked at any time and cannot be given if they are impaired (unconscious, under the influence, etc.), coerced, or forced in some way
When it comes to consent... consider FRIES:
The full definition of consent can be found in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities in Section Five: Title IX Policy.
Someone who acts to stop, intervene, interrupt or protect in a potentially harmful situation
You can become equipped to be an active bystander by attending a Green Dot training!
To see definitions for Title IX terminology, see Key Title IX Terminology
Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972 promises equal access to education for all students, and it protects them against discrimination on the basis of sex. As an institution of higher education receiving federal financial assistance, Marian University supports Title IX and works to ensure that all Marian University students have equal access to education. While Title IX does involve response to sexual harassment and sexual violence, it also includes discrimination in areas such as gender harassment, athletics, admissions, recruitment, scholarships, and support for pregnant and parenting students. Title IX does not only apply to female students. It protects any person from sex-based discrimination, regardless of their sex, gender identity, or gender expression.
As a Marian University student, you are entitled to safety, protection, and support.
Learn more about Title IX by visiting
One may choose to utilize any or all options.
Karen Candlish (she/her)
Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator
Clare Hall, Room 122
(317) 955-6318
Clint Whitson (he/him)
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Evans Center, Room 109
(317) 955-6611
Cassie McCroskey (she/her)
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Marian Hall, Room 116
(317) 955-6743
The Title IX process and supports are available to all students, no matter sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship or visa status, or any other identity.
The Title IX process is a nuanced process and can become confusing quickly. Any person who has experienced or witnessed any sort sexual harassment can file a report on incident(s). Meeting with Title IX Coordinator is the first step, and the Title IX Coordinator discusses their rights, all possible options to proceed, and the supports and resources available. In the below flowchart, the fundamental Title IX process is outlined.
Term | Definition |
Incident | The instance of sexual harassment – any form of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. |
Complainant | Any person who is reported to have experienced conduct prohibited by university policy, regardless of whether that individual makes a report or participates in the review of that report by the university, and regardless of whether that person is a member of the university community. |
Respondent |
Any member of the university community who is reported to have engaged in conduct prohibited by university policy. |
Advisor |
A designated person who provides support to an involved party member, such as an attorney, advocate, or another support person. All Marian University students have access to a survivor advocate for free with Firefly Children and Family Alliance that can serve as their advocate. |
Investigator | An individual assigned by the Title IX Coordinator to investigate the alleged sexual harassment and oversee the investigative hearing. |
Supportive Measures | Support and resources available to the parties impacted by the incident. They are free to all students at any time and can be coordinated by the Title IX Coordinator. |
Report | Filing an incident of sexual harassment with the Title IX Coordinator. |
Formal Complaint | Filed by the complainant or the university that triggers the university's full investigation and hearing process under Title IX. |
Formal Resolution Process (also an investigation) | Meetings with the investigator and the complainant, respondent, and witness(es) to gather relevant information. |
Informal Resolution Process | An informal resolution process allows both parties to come to a resolution without the formal resolution process and investigation, such as a mediated conversation or other restorative processes. |
Hearing | The decision maker reviews evidence with all parties and aims for a resolution. |
Definitions taken from and adapted from Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
When it is possible that the report or complaint cannot result in corrective actions or disciplinary sanctions, other remedial measures could be put in place, such as training on sexual harassment, increasing security in designated place, changing policy or procedures, or conducting a climate check.
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (known as the Clery Act) is a federal law requiring United States colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disseminate a public annual security report (ASR) to employees and students every October 1st. This ASR must include statistics of campus crime for the preceding 3 calendar years, plus details about efforts taken to improve campus safety. Victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking have specific rights, options, and resources guaranteed to them by the Clery Act.
Marian University Statistics
Marian University is required to publish the Annual Security Report for the previous year on October 1st. Here you can find the 2024 report.
As a part of the OVW grant work, we have created a Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) to address prevention, intervention, and response of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Members from across the campus community come together so we can to put into action our shared goals to address interpersonal violence at Marian University.
*Core members who have attended OVW training institutions.
We are currently seeking students for a student sector of the CCRT. If you are interested, please contact Kara Kubancsek at
Student Rights As a Marian University student, you are expected to follow all polices outlined in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities. This is updated each academic year.
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Firefly Children and Family Alliance
All Marian University students have access to Survivor Services and Advocacy provided by Firefly Children and Family Alliance. The Survivor Advocacy program is a free, voluntary, confidential program for survivors of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Advocates are available to assist and support survivors in understanding their rights, provide information on options and next steps, discuss safety and support the survivor’s decisions. Advocacy services are available at any stage of the healing process; there is no time limit on when to engage in services or for how long. They provide services to all survivors, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, or citizenship status. Bilingual advocates can work directly with survivors who speak Spanish and services are available using an interpreter for all other languages. Firefly is also Marion County’s certified Rape Crisis Center, so we provide 24/7 hospital response to the Centers of Hope at local hospitals if a sexual assault survivor comes in for a forensic exam and wants advocacy support. Survivor advocacy services include the following:
Firefly also offers different support groups for survivors. Survivors are invited to join these virtual groups and explore the healing process, develop coping tools, share in each other’s journey, and receive peer support in a safe, supportive environment. The support groups are free, confidential, and facilitated by Survivor Advocates. If interested in support groups or learning more, contact Support Group Coordinator, Maddy Klein, at (317) 644-7357 or via
Current Firefly Support Groups
If this is an emergency:
Center of Hope
Center of Hope locations can be found at certain hospitals in Indianapolis and provide specialized sexual assault treatment. They provide caring, private, and trauma-informed treatment from medical professionals and can help you understand your rights and next steps. They provide forensic exams, also known as rape kits, and are provided free of cost to the survivor. Centers of Hope (COH) are located in the emergency rooms of the following hospitals: Franciscan Health (St. Francis), Community North, South & East, St Vincent, IU Health Methodist, and Eskenazi. Survivors should tell the front desk staff that they are seeking the COH, and they will connect the survivor to the COH. Remember, you have the right to have an advocate with you during the process, and the COH can help you call for one.
Forensic exams, also known as rape kit, are a medical exam that collects evidence left behind from the assault. Exams are free to survivors, and no part of the exam is mandatory. There is no obligation to the survivor to use the exam for anything, but it can be used as evidence if they decide to report the assault to the police.
Indianapolis Hospitals with a Center of Hope:
Whether your sexual assault occurred in any affiliation with Marian University or not, you may be entitled to Title IX support from Marian University. If Marian University is involved in some way, you may be able to go through a Title IX process if you wish to report. In any case, you still have access to a survivor advocate.
It can be difficult to know what to say or how to best support survivors of intimate partner violence or sexual violence. Here are some ways you can support them:
Validate them. While a person wants to be listened to, they also want to know you are committed to being there for you and that you believe them. Here are some things you can say:
Listen to them. They may just want to tell their story without blame, sometimes they aren't even looking a response. Listen without judgment.
Know about the resources, or where to find them. Tell them about the resources available, on and off campus. Firefly provides their services to the Marion County/Indianapolis community.
ComMUnity of Care Resource Guide
Offer your physical presence of support. You may offer to be with them if they want to file a report, receive medical care, offer to walk with them to the Counseling and Consultation Services office for their appointment, to their support group, or any instance where your physical presence would be comforting.
Resist violent or extreme reactions. Remain calm and collected.
Do not make promises that you cannot keep. You only have certainty about the actions you can make, not others.
Ask how you can help them! Only they know how you can best support them.
Understand this is not about you. They may not want to share who the abuser or perpetrator is or certain details with you, and that is their right.
Recognize it is their choice to decide who to tell, what to tell, and when to tell.
Make sure you care for yourself. It is wonderful that you feel that you can support your friend, but there is a limit to processing trauma, even if it is second-hand. Make sure you know of your support and how you need self-care.
Additional resources:
As a faculty or staff member of Marian University, you are a required mandatory reporter. This means you must report any disclosure of information of sexual harassment (dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or unwelcome sexual conduct) or any information that would lead a reasonable person to believe that sexual harassment may have occurred immediately to your supervisor or the Title IX Coordinator. If you are unsure of what these crimes of sexual harassment are, please refer to Definitions
More information about an employee’s duty to report can be found the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities in Section 5, subsection E.
If you feel that you a student may be about to share something that may require your mandatory reporter duties, here are some things you can say:
Mandatory reporting is applicable whether the situation involves students, employees and students, or employees.
See Title IX contacts for contact information for Title IX Coordinator.
Understand that once you share that information with Title IX, you are not entitled to any of the information after that point, including the investigation and resolution(s) unless the student(s) chooses to voluntarily share that information with you.
ComMUnity of Care can provide trainings and education with departments and offices on campus to continue to educate our community around dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and trauma-informed practices. In addition, Marian has adopted a bystander intervention program, Green Dot, and we can provide a 90 minute overview to faculty and staff to show how they can be allies to changing the campus culture.
Green Dot approaches all students, staff, administrators, and faculty as allies. The original Green Dot program was conceived in the college setting to prevent dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking. It relies on the premise that if everyone does their small part and commits to individual responsibility, the combined effect is a safe campus culture that is intolerant of violence. The college-based curriculum draws heavily on the experiences of college students and the reality of this issue in their lives. This curriculum uses interactive activities to reinforce core concepts and encourages students to envision their future and the world in which they want to live, then aligns their bystander behavior with that vision.
Not everyone can do everything, but everyone can do something!
Follow us on Instagram for events, resources, and information! @mucommunityofcare
Awareness Months
Attend programming from ComMUnity of Care program, especially programming during awareness months.
Volunteer with Firefly Children and Family Alliance as a Survivor Advocate
The only requirement is that volunteers are ready to learn, listen, and practice empathy. Training is provided to volunteers to prepare advocates. Learn more here - Volunteer as a Survivor Advocate. To inquire about this opportunity, email Survivor Advocate Volunteer Coordinator
Bring an educational training to your student group, class, or department
If you have a specific topic in mind, but do not see it mentioned anywhere, reach out as we have connections with community partners that provide lots of community trainings on various topics.
Keep the resource document readily available to share with friends if ever needed.
Engage in proactive behaviors that support survivors and our violence-free community.
Follow social media accounts to continue learning about these topics and how you can be an ally and continuing educating yourself!
Instagram accounts:
Office of Student Activities
Clare Hall, Room 127C