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Health Care and Insurance


doctorTo be a student at Marian University, you are required to have specific immunizations. You'll find them listed on the Marian University Health and Wellness page, along with information about how obtain those immunizations and the documents required by the university to prove you've completed them.

Health Insurance Policy

Marian University policy requires all international students have medical health insurance and evacuation/repatriation coverage. 

  • F-1 and J-1 students are required to have medical health insurance and evacuation/repatriation coverage each semester they are enrolled and while they are in the United States (for example, summer term). 
  • Marian University partners with LewerMark Student Insurance to provide insurance coverage to international students.
  • This insurance policy meets the U.S. Department of State's insurance requirements for J-1 exchange visitors.
  • ALL international students MUST have health insurance through LewerMark Student Insurance.
  • Your student account will be billed at the beginning of each semester by Marian University's Business Office. You can use your payment plan to pay health insurance fees.

Learn More

To learn about the plan, including benefits and exclusions, how to find a doctor, when to use the emergency room, go to Print your card and keep it in your wallet at all times. Go to to access your account and print your card.

LewerMark Plan Highlights

  • Marian University's LewerMark Student Insurance plan provides medical and emergency coverage to students anywhere in the world except in their home countries. The plan includes routine visits to doctors, emergency hospital visits, specialist care, prescription drug, and maternity coverage. While eye and dental injuries are covered, routine eye and dental exams are not included.
  • The LewerMark website includes the ability to search for doctors, advice about when to go to the emergency room, information translated in 13 languages, and individual student accounts to manage your claims.
  • You can access the website for the MyNurse 24/7 Medical Help Line, which connects you to registered nurse who can answer health questions, how to manage illness, or where to go when you are sick.
  • Also, 24/7 mental health assistance is available through Morneau Shepell.
  • The LewerMark plan includes information about what to do if you have a life-threatening injury or illness more than 100 miles from Marian University's campus.
  • $100 annual deductible; wellness benefit of 100% up to a maximum of $250.
  • Average claim turn-around time is seven (7) calendar days.
  • Click here for the 2023-2024 Health Insurance Plan Summary.

Costs and Payment

The LewerMark student plan costs $642.70 per semester ($128.54 per month) for the 2024-25 academic year.

  • You are billed for fall coverage (August 1 to December 31) in your fall tuition bill and spring coverage (January 1 to May 31) in your spring tuition bill.
  • You will also be charged for summer coverage (June 1 to July 31) unless you will not be in the United States in June and/or July and present proof of your travel with a booked itinerary and airline ticket.
  • You can pay health insurance fees using various methods of payment accepted by Marian University's Business Office, including payment plans. 

Health Insurance Waiver

If you have another health insurance policy and you meet the following criteria, you can apply for a waiver:

  • A plan from a family member working for a U.S. employer with insurance is eligible.
  • If you are an international student who is sponsored by your home country government and your plan meets the requirements outlined on this webpage, you can be waived from participating in the designated health insurance program.
  • Waivers will only be considered according to the first two bullets. Other requests for waiving will not be considered.
  • Waivers are not acceptable for individual plans purchased in the U.S. Short-term travel insurance or emergency care coverage only do not qualify for a waiver. Reimbursement plans are not allowed.
  • Waivers for Fall classes must be submitted no later than August 1 and waivers for Spring classes must be submitted by January 1 to allow for processing. Late submissions will not be considered. Waiver requests must be submitted annually and timely submission is the student's responsibility.

If you have an approved waiver, the health insurance fees on your tuition bill will be removed.

Your alternative plan must have these benefits to be considered for a waiver:

  • Medical evacuation coverage of at least $50,000 (USD)*
  • Repatriation coverage of at least $25,000 (USD)*
  • Maximum benefit per injury or sickness of at least $250,000 (USD)
  • Deductible of $500 (USD) or less per accident/illness per year
  • No daily cap on a hospital stay
  • Coverage dates no less than June 1 to July 31 for summer coverage

Download the waiver. You must (1) submit a complete, signed waiver form, (2) a copy of your insurance card, and (3) a copy of your insurance policy or a certificate of coverage in English.

*NOTE: If your alternative plan (see first two bullets in the waivers section) includes all of the above but does not have the necessary repatriation and evacuation coverage, you may purchase an insurance rider in order to meet the waiver requirements.
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Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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© 2025 Marian University

Notice of Nondiscrimination: Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students. Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation. Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.