To be a student at Marian University, you are required to have specific immunizations. You'll find them listed on the Marian University Health and Wellness page, along with information about how obtain those immunizations and the documents required by the university to prove you've completed them.
Marian University policy requires all international students have medical health insurance and evacuation/repatriation coverage.
To learn about the plan, including benefits and exclusions, how to find a doctor, when to use the emergency room, go to Print your card and keep it in your wallet at all times. Go to to access your account and print your card.
The LewerMark student plan costs $642.70 per semester ($128.54 per month) for the 2024-25 academic year.
If you have another health insurance policy and you meet the following criteria, you can apply for a waiver:
If you have an approved waiver, the health insurance fees on your tuition bill will be removed.
Your alternative plan must have these benefits to be considered for a waiver:
Download the waiver. You must (1) submit a complete, signed waiver form, (2) a copy of your insurance card, and (3) a copy of your insurance policy or a certificate of coverage in English.
*NOTE: If your alternative plan (see first two bullets in the waivers section) includes all of the above but does not have the necessary repatriation and evacuation coverage, you may purchase an insurance rider in order to meet the waiver requirements.