The Marian University Police Department will strive to create a peaceful and safe environment, as achievable as possible from threats of safety and provide for the well being of the public in order to enhance the quality of academic life at Marian University. In order to accomplish this goal, the Police Department will practice community policing fundamentals with a broad spectrum of police services.
The Office of Campus Safety and Police Services/Marian University Police Department (MUPD) is staffed around the clock with University Police Officers who are vested with full law enforcement powers and have responsibilities and authority similar to local police in any community, including the authority to arrest. They are trained at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy as well as receiving additional training specifically focused on law enforcement in an academic setting. Our officers are trained and equipped to deliver the highest level of police and safety services.
Many of our students live off campus; MUPD has a close and ongoing working relationship with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and Departments of surrounding counties. We regularly cooperate in circumstances of common interest, share crime and victimization information, and attempt to improve the safety and well-being of students who live off campus.
The Marian University Police Department wishes to develop and maintain a most positive relationship within our campus and local community. To effectively serve the community, a supportive community oriented approach to law enforcement is essential.
The Marian University Police Department exists to serve all individuals with respect, fairness, and compassion.
We are committed to the prevention of crime and the protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order, and safety; the enforcement of laws and ordinances as well as rules and regulations of Marian University including the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, the Indiana State Code, and the constitution of the United States of America. In this, we seek to create a safe and secure campus environment in which the educational mission of the University can be realized free from the presence of crime.
With community service as our foundation, we are dedicated to practicing the Franciscan values to enhance the quality of life for our community. We strive to resolve conflicts that detract from the quality of learning and to maintain a sense of safety in our community.
We will continuously strive to maintain the highest performance of professionalism displayed in our actions in order to develop the trust and respect of others within the campus community.
With these ideals in mind, the Marian University Police Department is dedicated to serving the community of Marian University.