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Institutional Learning Outcomes and Criteria

The Marian University educational experience integrates our four Franciscan Sponsorship Values: Dignity of the Individuals (DI), Responsible Stewardship (RS), Peace and Justice (PJ), and Reconciliation (R) with our degree-specific and general education curriculum. This experience is enriched with experiential learning activities from our athletic, co-curricular, internship,study abroad, and transformational leadership programming. Thus, Marian University aspires to cultivate graduates who will initiate opportunities to advance human flourishing by emphasizing the following institutional learning outcomes.

Faith and Ethics

Marian University graduates practice the Franciscan Values and possess a deep understanding of their ethical implications.

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: describe each Franciscan Value (DI, PJ, R, RS); articulate how one could apply the Franciscan Values in everyday situations (DI, PJ, R, RS); and discuss how the Franciscan Values can address larger societal issues (DI, PJ, R, RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: articulate core moral and ethical beliefs (DI); reflect on the origins of core moral and ethical beliefs (DI); consider beliefs and practices contrary to one’s own faith (DI); and discuss adjustments to own attitudes and beliefs (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: articulate core moral and ethical beliefs (DI); reflect on the origins of core moral and ethical beliefs (DI); consider beliefs and practices contrary to one’s own faith (DI); and discuss adjustments to own attitudes and beliefs (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: recognize moral and ethical issues when present (PJ); pose complex questions about moral and ethical issues (DI); seek to understand and articulate answers (DI); and consider full implications of the answers (PJ).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: show awareness of the pain prevalent in our society (R); apply faith and ethical beliefs to actions (RS); consider broader consequences of ethical dilemma and actions (PJ); and propose ways to engage others in actions (DI).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: show awareness of ethical and professional standards for the field/discipline (RS); apply ethical framework(s) to address problem(s) (RS); and apply Franciscan Values to address problem(s) (DI, PJ, R, RS).

Problem Solving

Marian University graduates demonstrate the ability to solve problems in an inquisitive, thoughtful, creative, informed, and just manner.

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: identify various individuals and communities impacted by the problem (PJ); and seek to understand a problem from multiple perspectives (DI).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: synthesize information from various sources (RS); organize and present information in creative way (RS); and reflect on how fair and just approaches are (PJ).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: consider divergent approaches to solving a problem (R); seek a solution that strengthens the relationships of those involved (DI); and articulate reasons for selecting a particular solution (DI).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: recognize the potential or real consequences of a solution (PJ); reflect on how efficiently and effectively resources were used to solve a problem (RS); and consider impact of solution on larger context/future work (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: identify a problem and formulate thoughtful questions or hypotheses (PJ); apply appropriate methods/tools (RS); analyze and interpret data/evidence (RS); and evaluate own findings (RS).


Marian University graduates apply exceptional listening, writing, critical reading, and oral communication skills to build and sustain relationships with others.

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: use appropriate and compelling content (RS); present content in a cohesive and sequenced manner (RS); and exhibit rhetorical effectiveness (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: articulate a persuasive purpose (RS); present content in a cohesive and sequenced manner (RS); include credible evidence (RS); and effectively utilize audiovisual aids (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: synthesize information from various sources with diverse perspectives (RS); organize and present information in respectful way (R); and reflect on fairness and justness as it relates to the specific subject matter (PJ).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: evaluate the quality of sources (RS); include a variety of appropriate supporting material (RS); and use appropriate citations (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: consider the power of language and how it can hurt and heal (R); recognize the potential or real consequences of a solution (PJ); consider impact of solution on larger context/future work (RS); and propose ways to engage other audiences (DI).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: communicate conclusions clearly and professionally in either oral or written forms (RS); provide context to expand knowledge and skills (PJ); and acknowledge limitations of conclusions/ recommendations (R).

Cultural and Global Awareness

Marian University graduates display respect for individual differences by embracing and learning from diverse cultures, perspectives, and traditions.

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: describe own identity in a global context (DI); reflect on how personal experiences have shaped own identity (DI); and recognize and respond to own cultural rules and biases (R).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: pose complex questions about other culture(s) (DI); seek to understand the history, values, and traditions of other culture(s) (DI); and explain differences and similarities between other culture(s) and own culture(s) (DI).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: explain diverse positions (e.g., religious, philosophical) on a contested issue (R); evaluate the issue from multiple world views (DI); and describe how individuals and groups can be/are impacted by the issue (PJ).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: initiate meaningful interactions with diverse individuals and/or communities (DI); discuss how individuals and/or communities are impacted by the challenge (PJ); implement solution to address a complex problem (PJ); and reflect on the broader consequences of actions (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: demonstrate an awareness of diverse backgrounds and perspectives in team environment (DI); facilitate the contributions of professional colleagues (DI); identify and resolve any group conflict (R); and produce an artifact that contributes to the common good (PJ).

Health and Well-Being

Marian University graduates experience the practice of self-awareness and self-care focused on their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: identify on-campus resource(s) focused on promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being (RS); reflect on a campus program attended or information learned within a course (RS); and discuss how the individual can apply what they learned during a personal experience to make healthy choices (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: reflect on current attitudes or behaviors that could positively or negatively impact their self-care plan (RS); develop strategies for enhancing physical, mental, and/or spiritual well-being (RS); and provide details for assessing and monitoring physical, mental, and/or spiritual well-being (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: reflect on the emotions they are feeling and why (RS); recognize how those emotions may affect their decisions or performance (RS); and articulate a plan to better recognize and respond to emotions in future situations (RS).

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: identify a specific challenge at the institutional, local, and/or global level related to physical, mental, and/or spiritual well-being (PJ); discuss how individuals and/or communities are impacted by the challenge (PJ); and articulate a possible solution to address the challenge and foster a healthy community (PJ). 

A student submission that meets the performance standard must: articulate one’s personal role in fostering a healthy community (PJ); identify potential behaviors of self and others that negatively impact one’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being (RS); and exhibit behaviors that positively contribute to the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of others (PJ).

Disciplinary Knowledge and Skills

Marian University graduates exhibit a high degree of proficiency in their disciplinary area and in the application of their learned expertise.

Criteria and performance standards for this institutional student learning outcome will be defined within the specific undergraduate or graduate program.

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Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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© 2025 Marian University

Notice of Nondiscrimination: Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students. Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation. Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.