Our award-winning Marian University speech and debate team competes against students from schools across the country, traveling to a dozen tournaments each year. Forensic tournaments can be compared to track and field meets, with participants competing in a variety of events ranging from dramatic interpretation and slam poetry to impromptu speaking and parliamentary debate.
And, yes, you read that correctly. We wrote "forensic." Although commonly associated with tests and techniques to solve crime, the term was actually coined by Aristotle and means "belonging to, used in, or suitable to courts or to public discussion and debate."
The speech and debate team at Marian has developed my public-speaking skills and has given me the confidence to use my voice and to advocate for others; however, the most important part of speech for me is the relationships. The team gathers an eclectic group of persons for the purpose of forming a team, and as we work, practice, and compete side-by-side, friendships form. We laugh together, learn from each other, and lean on one another.
*All facts are from the National Speech and Debate Association website.
Students who attend Marian University and compete on the speech and debate team are eligible for a talent award, typically worth $2,000 and renewable each year.
Apply for the Speech/Debate Team Scholarship
How else will you be supported?
What is the number one skill most important to employers? Verbal communication.
In its Job Outlook 2016 annual report, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) surveyed more than 200 large national employers, like IBM and Chevron. Here is what they found.
We like to take home trophies, but we also want to support your academic success. That’s why the speech and debate team has a school-first philosophy. Additionally, you’ll have opportunities to receive credit for your participation on the team and/or take courses that overlap with the work you’re already doing for competition.
Courses related to speech and debate:* Speech and debate team participation counts as credit for these courses.
From timing and pacing your articulated thoughts to learning how to get along with and support a diverse group of teammates, the communication skills I developed on the speech and debate team are transferable to any line of work. Maintaining relationships with company partners is a big part of my role at Canvas, and it’s important that I create a safe, trusting space for open collaboration and teamwork. In the workplace, I find myself channeling that same energy I did as a speaker and audience member on the team.