Students pursuing an English degree study the ways that words shape our world. Our programs focus on social justice and explore how written, visual, multimodal, and spoken texts reflect, imagine, and challenge a particular culture’s way of being human.
Want your words to shape our world? Check out our majors and minors:
The department provides students with an intellectual journey that prepares them well for critically engaged participation in our complex society—as well as rewarding careers.
The English program at Marian University connects your imagination to the world by cultivating critical literacy, creative thinking, clear expression, and empathy. You will study how literature and writing push against and contribute to culture and ideologies, interrogate and propose ways of structuring society, and influence understanding of our relationship with others and the world. Courses within the program approach English studies as an active social practice built upon understanding diverse perspectives, voices of resistance, and assertions of agency.
Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000
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