Students of theology immerse themselves in a wide curriculum including Scripture, foundational Christian doctrines, church history, moral theology and ethics, spirituality and mysticism, liturgy, Catholic social teaching, church fathers and mothers, interfaith dialogue and ecumenism, and practical theology.
The typical background for students of theology is just as broad: some have had extensive religious training before college, others are brand new. What they all have in common is an interest in theological formation and the critical questions of faith.
Some students will go on to full-time ministry; some will pursue further scholarship in the academy; others answer a calling for leadership in the secular marketplace or in the home. Our programs of study are designed to complement double-majors in other fields, then, enabling students to mature in multiple disciplines as they discern future vocational or career paths.
Regardless of future directions, students of theology are well-prepared with an education that offers essential skills in high demand—critical thinking, synthesis of information, written and oral communication—while attending to the development of the theological person.
The theology major is intended to guide students through the rudiments of academic theological thought. It’s intended for anyone who identifies with a “faith seeking understanding,” in the language of St. Anselm of Canterbury. With only 36 required credits, this major can complement as double-major many other academic programs.
Theology Required Core (27 credits)
Electives (any 3 credits)
Electives (any 3 credits)
Electives (any 3 credits)
For San Damiano Scholars (3 credits)
18 credits including THL 105; one course from THL 232, 307, 308, 332, 336, 337; one course from THL 226, 228; one course from THL 218, 219, 316, 319, 321, 322, 338; one course from THL 405, 423, 428, 472, 474; one additional 3-credit THL course at the 300-400 level (excluding mentoring and internships).
Ministry Studies Major (30 credits)
The Ministry Studies major is distinguished from the theology major with an emphasis on applied ministry. It’s intended especially for anyone who would pursue a calling—along with Saints Francis and Clare—for rebuilding the church. With only 30 required credits, this major is our most streamlined option for students who would double-major in almost any other academic program and is particularly suited for San Damiano Scholars.
Ministry Studies Required Core (27 credits)
Pastoral Electives (any 3 credits)
Morality Electives (any 3 credits)
Social Justice Electives (any 3 credits)
Systematic Electives (any 3 credits)
Ministry Studies Minor (minimum requirement for San Damiano Scholars)
21 credits including THL 105 and 270; 170 or 272; three credits from THL 361, 371, 472, or 474 [NSG majors may substitute 427 and 435, or 478]; three credits from THL 226 or 228; three credits from THL 316, 318, 319, 321, 322, or 423; and three credits from THL 307, 308, 336, 337, or 405.