Jeremy Jones, DO, was promoted to professor of Primary Care at the Marian University Tom and Julie Wood College of Osteopathic Medicine (MU-WCOM) in March 2025. Dr. Jones joined the MU-WCOM in August 2020. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma in 2003. He then completed his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine at the Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences (OSU-CHS) College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2008. He completed his pediatric residency training at Oklahoma State University Medical Center (OSUMC) in Tulsa in 2011. Dr. Jones is board-certified in pediatrics.
Dr. Jones began his career as an assistant professor at OSU-CHS for the Department of Pediatrics. His responsibilities there included clerkship coordinator for the department of pediatrics regarding medical student clinical rotations. Dr. Jones was the coordinator for various years for the academics committee, wellness committee, public relations committee, and alumni outreach committee for the OSUMC and Osteopathic Medical Education Consortium of Oklahoma (OMECO) pediatric residency programs in Tulsa. He also created the osteopathic manipulative medicine curriculum and simulations curriculum for these programs prior to joining Marian.
Since joining MU-WCOM, Dr. Jones is a facilitator for the Osteopathic Principles and Practice and Introduction to Clinical Medicine laboratory sessions and debrief sessions. He also coordinates the Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine “Hands On” lecture and laboratory sessions and facilitates small group sessions for third-year students’ Professional Identity Formation OMS3, Clinical Colloquium I, and Clinical Colloquium II courses. Furthermore, Dr. Jones is a facilitator for the Clinical Colloquium courses for third-year medical students and COMLEX Level 2PE Formative Assessments for fourth-year medical students. Dr. Jones additionally coordinates the Pediatrics Indirect Patient Care course. He delivers many pediatrics-based lectures for each of the systems courses in the first- and second-year curriculum. He is actively involved with implementation of the San Damiano Scholars Program within MU-WCOM. Dr. Jones currently serves MU-WCOM as a committee member for the Admissions Committee, Professionalism and Ethics Committee, Graduate Medical Education Committee, Curriculum Committee, and Scholarship Committee. Within the Curriculum Committee, he also serves on the Licensure Board Examination Preparations, Student Assessment, and T.R.A.C.K. Management Working Groups.
Dr. Jones has many outreach activities associated with MU-WCOM. He is a volunteer provider for the Near West Free Clinic. He also helps facilitate and coordinate osteopathic manipulative medicine activities for Marian's Healthcare Camp and MU-WCOM's Affirming Student Day. He is likewise a mentor to MU-WCOM medical student mentorship. He also serves on the Catholic Medical Association’s (CMA) Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp Subcommittee, Leadership Training Meeting Subcommittee, and Continuing Medical Education Committee; and the Indiana Osteopathic Association IOA Winter 2023 Conference Subcommittee. Finally, Dr. Jones currently serves as the Vice President for the St. Raphael CMA of Indianapolis Guild.
Dr. Jones regularly gives oral presentations at local, state, regional, and national professional conferences. Lectures have ranged from interactive classroom lectures to systems-based approach procedural simulations. Dr. Jones has taught numerous, varied topics, including pediatric asthma and clinic-based spirometry; physician resilience through the Little Way of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus; and teaching in the clinical setting using illness scripts and student-driven patient presentations. Associations that have consistently accepted and requested oral presentations include the OSU-COM Alumni Association, Oklahoma Osteopathic Association, Indiana Osteopathic Association, and CMA for their national Annual Education Conference.
Dr. Jones has clinical interests in asthma education and spirometry; medical knowledge acquisition through illness scripts; and clinical decision-making through train-of-thought processes. His academic interests include integrated lecture design and game-based learning. Dr. Jones has personal interests in his Catholic faith, daily Mass, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Carmelite spirituality, cooking, and chess.
Dr. Jones enjoys spending time with his wife, Maria Kayla, and their three daughters: Gemma Rose, Mary Agnes, and Lucy Cecilia.
J Jones. Using a Buzzer System and Game-based Learning to Engage Osteopathic Medical Students and Apply Content. Marian University 2022 Celebration of Teaching Poster Presentation. May 11, 2022. Indianapolis, IN
J Jones. Physician Resilience and the Little Way. The Pulse of Catholic Medicine. Catholic Medical Association, Fort Washington, PA. Published July 11, 2023.
J Jones. Physician Resilience and the Little Way. The Linacre Quarterly. SAGE Journals. Published. September 13, 2023.
J Jones. Physician Resilience and the Little Way. Catholic Medical Association: Operation THRIVE YouTube Channel. Published. October 30, 2023.
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