We strive to reflect in our lives and in our service our belief that an intimate relationship with our God calls us to responsible stewardship: delight with all creation, reverence for persons, responsible use of the earth’s resources, and freely sharing the gifts entrusted to us with those in need and less fortunate.
Francis and Clare gratefully acknowledged in the whole of their lives that “all is Gift,” and held deep respect for persons and nature as God’s special presence on earth. Francis’ lyric poem/prayer, The Canticle of Brother Sun, reflects the wonder he held in his entire being for all creation and the respect with which he and Clare both received creation as gift. Francis’ love of animals, in particular, has been popularized over the years. More importantly, both Clare and Francis fostered a simple life style, emphasizing the empowerment of people and the thoughtful stewardship of all material resources. Both were committed to protecting the integrity of each person and the world’s environment.
Because they viewed all creation as gift, Francis and Clare enjoyed earthly things as few other people have enjoyed them. They shared a sense of great gratitude for God’s gifts which was demonstrated in their unconditional dependence upon God’s providence, a trust which was for them a source of great joy.