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Marian University Preach All Ways Initiative

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Marian University was awarded a Lilly Compelling Preaching Grant in late 2023 to develop bold and creative approaches to preaching and proclaiming the Good News, particularly as it impacts youth and young adults.    

This work will be guided by the fruits of a nationwide survey conducted by Springtide Research Institute assessing how youth and young adults, ages 13-25, view and experience Catholic preaching. The data will be used by experts in pastoral ministry, education, and homiletics to:  

  • Explore best practices in preparing preachers to engage youth and young adults
  • Form lay men and women to preach in non-Eucharistic settings
  • Expand our vision of preaching to incude new and untapped spaces outside Church walls
  • Cultivate and empower a new more diverse generation of preachers

Broad consultation with experts in education, preaching, youth and young adult ministry, the arts, and social media will fuel the development of an online Certificate in Relational Preaching to form lay men and women to preach in non-Eucharistic settings. 

Preach All Ways Challenge

A vital and life-giving part of this initiative is the opportunity to form youth and young adult preachers. Since May, twelve dynamic and faith-filled high school and college age students have worked with coaches to prepare and preach a 7-minute witness talk at the National Eucharistic Congress. Our diverse group of young men and women, represent seven dioceses across the country. Their words, shared on the Event Stage of Exhibition Hall at NEC have the power to touch hundreds of people of all ages. The experience of preparing to preach was transformative for both preachers and coaches. 


From our Preachers

This experience has been absolutely amazing! It has brought my testimony to the next level and I have even begun thinking deeper into my testimony throughout this process. –  MargeauxHigh School student from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis  

Writing out my testimony in a way to share with others has been a blessing. The timing of it all has honestly been immaculate. I’m in a season of my life where stress and uncertainty has been incredibly present. Meaning that having to take time to write out my testimony, of how God always has not just a plan, but a good plan, has been extremely helpful. The mentor I had was also amazing, I loved working with Fr. Benjamin. He both helped me form my testimony in a way I love, as well as teach me quite a few things on preaching.  Mike, College student from Missouri 

The Marian Preach Challenge was a golden opportunity to share my story and encourage young people to evangelize. I am beyond grateful to all those who mentored me throughout this process, it has been a wonderful gift to work together in order to give greater glory to God!  Kathryn, College freshman at St. Mary’s, South Bend

From the Coaches

Working with students in the Preaching Challenge is evangelization at its most fundamental level: a student has an encounter with Christ, and we get to help them articulate that story. Being witness to the inspiration of Jesus in a young person cannot help but also lead us to reclaim a bit of our own youthful awe of the tremendous love of God. – Jake, Youth Minister, Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana  

It has been a joy, privilege, and delight to accompany three young women in preparing their testimonies for the National Eucharistic Congress. I have watched them grow in their understanding and articulation of God’s action and presence in their lives; I have watched them grow in confidence as they more fully inhabit their own stories of grace and bear witness to God’s goodness. – Rhonda, Parish Minister, St. Paul, Minnesota  

To learn more about Marian University’s Preach All Ways Initiative, contact Dr. Susan McGurgan, Director, Preach All Ways Initiative, Associate Professor of Theology,

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Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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Notice of Nondiscrimination: Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students. Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation. Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.