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Thank you for an AMAZING Day for the Knights in 2022!

History was made on April 7, 2022, when Marian's entire campus came together for a day of celebration. #DayfortheKnights2022 and the weeks leading up to it were overflowing with fun, festivities, and pride. We promised food, games, prizes, and surprises, and we think the least surprising thing to come out of the event is...that we're doing it again on Thursday, March 30, 2023, to be exact!

Before then, though, we'd like to recap some of the most exciting moments of #DayfortheKnights2022:

With your help, the Marian University community raised $112,897.97 from 544 unique donors. There were 24 unique on-campus events on April 7, including but not limited to: Opening night of Marian University Theatre's Pippin, a live performance by the faculty/staff brass band, Excalibur, a massively popular iPad giveaway, a marathon reading of the first book of Psalms, and free Chick-Fil-A!

Of the unique donors, 230 were faculty or staff, 206 were alumni, and 42 were current students. Additionally, 140 of those were first-time donors!

The fund designations with the most donors were: Alumni House, 74; Knightro's Pantry, 74; 2013 Still Society, 59; San Damiano Scholars for Church Leadership, 45; and M-Club Endowed Scholarship, 31.

Beyond dollars, #DayfortheKnights brought memories we won't soon forget. The Leighton School of Nursing and The Exchange provided hilarious TikTok content, leaders from the IT department found themselves on the wrong end of numerous pies (and their promotional material was mass-flagged as a phishing scheme), Dr. Adrianna Ernstberger commanded the quad with her megaphone and drone camera, and students raced around campus to get their hands on limited edition #DayfortheKnights jerseys.

In the end, the coveted Sr. Norma Rocklage, OSF, Ph.D. '60 Bedazzled Bucket Hat MVP Award was awarded to the Student Success and Engagement team for their commanding campus presence, humorous social media, innumerable giveaways, impressive donor numbers, and sheer enthusiasm. Congratulations!

This all begs the question: How are we going to make next year even better?! (AND WHO will win that bedazzled bucket hat?!) Watch this web page for more information coming soon on how to start planning your program promotions for #DayfortheKnights23.

Marian University’s Annual Day of Giving

Each year, the Marian University Knights community comes together for a day of giving to raise money for student scholarships and to broadcast its school spirit to the world. Wherever you are, you are invited to join the party—whether virtually through university social media channels or in-person through on-campus events and activities throughout the day.

What is a day of giving?

A day of giving is a one-day, 24-hour fundraising opportunity designed to bring people together to give toward a cause close to their hearts. Similar to Giving Tuesday, where organizations promote their organization and ask for donations, Day for the Knights is Marian University’s dedicated day of giving.

Gifts—of any size—are driven by social media and email communications. These gifts go toward the general student scholarship fund or to specific existing funds within the various schools, programs, or organizations. Days of Giving are known for their energy and fun and often include lots of friendly competition between campus groups to generate the most dollars or number of donors and various other goals.

Days of Giving are also great days of school spirit. Campus groups create their own party environments and incentives and use this opportunity to raise scholarship dollars while also promoting and celebrating their own favorite programs.

Days of Giving are for everyone—alumni, faculty, staff, current students, parents of students, and community friends.

Goals and Rewards

Campus groups are encouraged to compete for the highest numbers in categories like the following:

  • Dollars raised
  • Total donors
  • Donor types: current student donors, alumni donors, parent donors, faculty/staff donors
  • First-time donors
  • New recurring gifts
  • New corporate matching gifts
  • Best Social Media promotion
  • Best campus event, activity, display
  • Overall creativity
  • Overall school spirit

Day for the Knights Resources

  • A Day for the Knights Social Media Toolkit including social media graphics and posting instructions is available. You can create your own student, faculty, or alumni spotlight posts to show off your favorite Marian program.
  • Social Media graphics are available. Use these images to help promote Day for the Knights in your networks on the days leading up to April, 7, throughout the day on April 7, and to proudly display that you've made a gift!

There are a few goals: fundraising, participation, and social. For the first two, we are hoping to raise $100,000 for student scholarships and have 100 percent participation from faculty/staff and the campus community in some form. Most importantly, DFTK is a day of celebration and pride for Marian University and its mission. Thus, we will have numerous events/activities around campus that day to engage our community.

There is a level of participation that will work for everyone (faculty/staff/students/parents/alumni/community)!

  1. Make a gift (even small amounts add up!)
  2. Create a team and facilitate support from your constituents.
  3. Help create content that promotes your favorite program/school/project/team (social posts/video)
  4. Participate in the party—dress up, decorate, generate excitement and enthusiasm on campus.
  5. Spread the word. Follow, like, interact, and share university social posts with your friends and family.

You play three different roles: liaison, cheerleader, and collaborator. The information we give you should be spread to your respective departments/area/teams, and we hope that you will use that information to drum up excitement among your colleagues, peers, constituents, and alumni. We also want to work with you to customize DFTK for you and your team—if you have ideas (or a lack of) we are happy to talk with you about what you can do so your team makes an impact on DFTK.

While the advancement office will be primarily advertising the Marian Fund (student scholarships), we encourage all teams to pick a fund(s) that would better resonate with your biggest fans! The only rules are (1) we are not fundraising for small projects, we are looking to fundraise for scholarships, (2) the scholarship should be pre-existing, and (3) each team should limit the number of funds to three.

Let us know! We can check if it will work. But, we encourage you to have backup ideas in case it does not work.

Let us know! We can check if it will work. But, we encourage you to have backup ideas in case it does not work.

Plenty! While we are all working towards one goal for the day, we will have multiple challenges going as well, all of which are accompanied with some sort of prize. We vehemently encourage friendly competition, rivalry, and wanting to win.

Competitions will be based on percentages of participation and celebration of effort and creativity. Even the smaller teams can compete fairly against larger ones.

While we will be sending out the official categories shortly, expect them to include things like, “most new donors,” “most current student donors,” and the coveted, “best-in-show,” which is an overall presence and participation award.

There are a few ways—social media, email, calling, texting. It really depends on the audience you’re trying to reach.

We are sending out a digital toolkit—this will include social media samples and designs, prompts for spotlighting your faculty, staff, students, or alumni, letter/email templates that include language you should use in your ask, etc. These will likely be used for your wider audiences. If you need a list pulled for those contacts, please let us know sooner than later.

If you are close with alumni or campus donors, it may mean more to reach out to them directly, instead of sending a mass communication. For these, we encourage you talk with them as you normally would, explain what DFTK is, and ask as you would any other project.

Otherwise, watch the MU and MU-Alumni social media pages for promotions—share what you see, and spread the word to your personal social networks. If your team has its own MU/MU-related social networks, we encourage you to share there, as well as create your own content for those pages.

If you don’t have social media, you probably know someone who does. We ask that you encourage your colleagues/peers to share what they see to they’re social networks (there’s no way all of you don’t have social media).

If you are having trouble creating the social media promotion yourself, we’re happy to help. However, we are creating a lot of the base social media promotion for this event too—so we may not have a ton of time to make what you want a reality. So before coming to us, we ask that you look at your team and see if anyone has social media/design experience—you never know, your student employee, boss, or woman who has an office next to yours may actually be a much better designer than you initially think. If none of that seems possible, then we can talk.

You do not need to be the person running social media + promotion either. If you want to recruit students (digital ambassadors) to help with yours, that would be completely fine.

While we encourage teams to come up with big activities around campus to have fun and engage our current students, we recognize that it may just not be feasible with every team. The best plan for those who don’t want to be flashy is to approach your physical presence more subtly—have your team wear Marian gear or a specific color that day, have fliers hung up in your office spaces, or attend the events that are going on around campus. We want you to have as much fun on DFTK as us and our students.


Drew Gaidosh
Advancement Communications Specialist
(317) 955-6205 

Reach Out to Us

Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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Get in touch and we'll talk to you soon. #GoKnights⚔️

© 2025 Marian University

Notice of Nondiscrimination: Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students. Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation. Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.