Contributions from current and retired faculty and staff provide funding for programs, departments, and scholarships at Marian University. Equally as important is the strong message sent to those outside the Marian University community. Faculty and staff giving announces to alumni, friends, corporations, foundations, and community partners that we support Marian University and feel it is worthy of their support, too.
Your generous gift of time and talent to Marian University are what help keep this institution strong and positioned for continued success. Equally important is the understanding that our connection to the students and our mission is imperative to building and maintaining a solid foundation for growth. Faculty and staff work daily to make Marian University better and help our students prepare for the future.
A gift to Marian University can help support programs that will continue to strengthen Marian University and help current faculty, staff, and students achieve even greater success. Many of you have made a commitment to this effort already, and we are extremely thankful. For those of you who are new to Marian University or who have not yet thought about making a gift, please consider participating in the faculty and staff campaign
Employees can direct their gifts to the program of their choice through a payment option that works best for them, including payroll deduction.
Please join with the many other colleagues and friends who make it a priority to give a gift to Marian University. We look forward to our combined efforts in serving our students, and we appreciate your commitment to Marian University.
For questions, please call (317) 955-6202 or email
Gifts by cash, check, or credit card, are the most common and easiest gifts to make. They are also tax deductible for the year in which the gift is made. Additionally, Marian University gratefully accepts pledged gifts. These gifts allow donors to make a commitment to set up a payment schedule that best suits their wishes.
To make a gift by credit card, you can use our secure online donation page or call (317) 955-6202.
Pledges and cash gifts made by check (payable to Marian University) should be mailed to:
Business Office
Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
Many Marian University alumni and friends often take advantage of the various benefits of making gifts through appreciated stock: one being the personal satisfaction of assisting Marian University and its
worthy students to advance the scope and quality of Franciscan Catholic collegiate education.
You may transfer stock electronically to Marian University from your financial institution.
Marian University Stock Transfer Instructions
Please also contact John Finke, Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement, at (317) 955-6202 or so we know to expect your gift.
Making an online gift has never been easier. Follow these simple steps:
Show your Knight Pride by joining the M-Club, purchasing a Marian University license plate, or investing in a brick or pillar.
The M-Club supports the student athletes that compete in over 22 sports programs at Marian University. Donations to the M-Club help Marian University enhance athletic facilities, provide scholarships to student-athletes, and support our Championship Fund, which will keep Marian University competing at the highest level possible.
Membership in the M-Club is open to everyone. Visit M-Club for more information.
The Marian University license plate is a great way to drive with pride! Purchase your Marian University license plate at any Indiana BMV branch or online BMV when you renew your plates. These special plates are available to the public for an additional fee of $40, of which $25 comes to Marian University to support student scholarships.
For more information about our license plate, please visit our website. For questions, call (317) 955-6202 or
Leave a special reminder of your time at Marian University and invest in a recognition brick. These bricks are installed around the St. Francis Heritage Fountain in the center of campus and can be personalized with a message of your choosing. Or, you can invest in a pillar of support at the donor pavilion at St. Vincent Field, where your nameplate can be personalized with a message of your choosing. For more information about recognition bricks and pillars of support, please call (317) 955-6202 or
The Marian Fund directly supports Marian University students and the university’s vision to provide an education distinguished in its ability to prepare transformative leaders for service to the world. Annual giving builds a solid foundation necessary to sustain the Marian University experience and enhancing unique learning opportunities for our students.
Please consider supporting Marian University students by making a one-time or recurring gift to the Marian Fund.
Participation doesn’t mean making a big gift, it means making a gift.
Annual giving provides vital support that helps the university fulfill its mission. When a donor makes an annual gift, they join thousands of alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff, and friends in making a difference. These gifts make a combined impact that is extraordinary, by supporting innovative programs, urgent needs, and important priorities.
High alumni participation sends a clear message to our students that those who came before them place a high value on their education and are willing to invest in the institution.
U.S. News & World Report and other college guides use alumni giving participation to calculate the rank of the college/university.
Foundations and corporations who provide generous private support look to our alumni giving percentage as a sign of a stable, well-supported university.
Your gift, in any amount, helps support Marian University programs and initiatives that defined your experience at Marian University and create opportunities to preserve the Marian legacy.
To learn more about the Marian Fund please call (317) 955-6202 or
Keep in mind, for Indiana residents, half of your gift (up to $200) to Marian University may be a credit against what you owe on your state taxes. For example, give $200 and received $100 Indiana state tax credit and $30 federal reduction!
Support Marian University’s efforts to provide an education that transforms lives, society, and the world by making a gift today.
An endowed gift is invested so that the annual earnings can be used to support scholarships for generations to come. There are over 150 endowed scholarships, so donors can always find one that matches their interest and passion, or create a new endowed scholarship in honor of a loved one. For more information about creating a new endowed scholarship, please contact John Finke, vice president for institutional advancement, at (317) 955-6202 or