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International Travel Policy

Marian University welcomes and supports student, faculty, and staff initiatives to establish and participate in international educational programs and experiences.

  • Many students, faculty, staff participate in international programming under the auspices of the university that may not be solely managed by Study Abroad, Global Engagement Office.
  • Some programs involving international travel include an academic for-credit component while some do not. Others, such as research, service-learning, mission trips, internships, clinical experience, and independent international study opportunities may or may not confer academic credit, depending on the specific program.
  • Regardless of the international program or activity you participate in, we consider all experiences abroad as valuable contributions toward meeting the university's mission and vision. International experiences contribute to the development of positive learning outcomes.

Third-Party Partners

To mitigate unnecessary health, safety, and security risks, maximize campus resources, minimize institutional risk, and leverage the expertise of international experts, formalization of study-abroad program partners is imperative. Such collaborations constitute a formal relationship between Marian University and all third-party stakeholders.

To that end, Marian established an international travel policy in 2022 which speaks to matters of risk mitigation, student, faculty, and staff requirements before and during international travel in addition to duty-of-care information. 

Zika, COVID-19, and CDC Resources

Export Controls

Travel to certain foreign locations may be governed by export control laws. U.S. government regulations restrict some financial transactions and exchange with countries that are sanctioned.

In some cases, an export license may be required for items including software, technology or other information given to foreign persons.

A good example of this would is loaning someone a USB drive, laptop, or other digital device with stored information. The U.S. Department of State's website has information on what can be taken and what cannot be taken to certain countries along with notifications of countries under sanction or warnings for related criminal activity.

If it is determined that the country to which you will travel is under sanction, it is imperative that you contact the Global Engagement Office to determine how best to proceed.

In support of international activities and to address travel risk management for the university and its students, faculty, and staff, please review official Marian University policy, protocol, and supporting documents:

For comprehensive information on the new leveled Travel Advisory System, visit this website: U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs: New Leveled Travel Advisory System.

Reach Out to Us

Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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© 2025 Marian University

Notice of Nondiscrimination: Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students. Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation. Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.