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Visiting Scholars and Exchange Students

What is the Exchange Visitor Program and J Visa?

The J Exchange Visitor classification by the U.S. Department of State was developed to implement the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act.The overall purpose of the act is “to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of educational and cultural exchanges.”

This is for persons who are coming to the United States for a short-term program in a variety of different areas, such as study, research, teaching, and training. Marian University authorizes documents only for professors, research scholars, specialists, and students. The DS-2019 is the document issued by the Global Engagement Office to any Exchange Visitor approved by Marian University for a J-1 Exchange Visitor program. The application requests from the prospective Exchange Visitor and the hosting department, along with other resources, are also located on this page.

It is important to note that the Exchange Visitor program is a temporary program and that J-visa holders should have no immigrant intent. This visa category should not be used by departments or internationals for permanent employment positions or to seek permanent residency in the United States.

Financial Requirements

Potential Exchange Visitors must provide evidence of sufficient funding for their entire length of stay. The Global Engagement Office requires proof of at least $1,350 per month for the Exchange Visitor and at least $500 for each accompanying dependent (spouse or unmarried children under 21 years old). Financial support may come from Marian University, the Exchange Visitor's home university, U.S. or foreign governments, or personal funding.

The Exchange Visitor Program is a great way for faculty to create and build upon collaborations with international colleagues by having them come to campus for teaching, research, and consultation. Although the Global Engagement Office oversees their immigration record and compliance, it is the host department's responsibility to provide the following:

  • Office space, such as individual office, shared office, or library carrel
  • Access to University technology
  • Assist with housing arrangements
  • Initial transportation from the airport to campus
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Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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Notice of Nondiscrimination: Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students. Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation. Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.