Meet the Staff: Peter Matsoukas, Multimedia Production Specialist

A New York City native, Peter Matsoukas has interviewed actors, actresses,Peter Matsoukas directors, and even filmed New York Fashion Week in 2008. Matsoukas received a master of science in digital cinema from DePaul University (2011) and made a film titled The Balancing Game funded by the university in 2010. In 2013, Matsoukas moved from Chicago to Indianapolis to begin his career with Marian University as the multimedia production specialist.

On campus, Matsoukas can be spotted shooting content ranging from sporting events to promotional material for departments. Matsoukas’ office is equipped with a green screen studio, and he explains the university is incorporating more and more video for the website and YouTube channel.

Q & A with Peter Matsoukas

Q: When did you first start getting into film? Did you always know that was something you wanted to pursue?

A: I got into film as an undergraduate student. I’ve always liked film, but I fell in love with the medium during my film theory courses. These courses helped me analyze style, genre, and narrative structure. I then started making 16 millimeter short films and caught the fever. I loved incorporating what I had learned in film theory to my own projects to help carve out my own voice as a filmmaker. I’ve been writing, shooting, editing, producing, and directing narrative, documentary, and promotional material ever since.

What has been one of your favorite videos to shoot for Marian University?

A: I’ve really enjoyed working on the “Big Man on Campus” videos with President Elsener and our creative Office of Marketing Communications team.  He’s a great sport, and we’re able to do fun creative things.

 Q: Can any faculty or staff member contact you for videography or do they have to go through the Office of Marketing Communications?

 A: If it’s something promotional, I would go through The Office of Marketing Communications. If a professor would like to shoot something for his/her course or if there is an event on campus to document, please contact me directly at

Q: If you were a cartoon character, who would you be and why?

A: I would say Charlie Brown. I’m a dreamer with perseverance.