Sister Norma Rocklage Receives 2017 Center for Interfaith Cooperation's Interfaith Ambassador Award

Sr. Norma Rocklage ’60, Ph.D., was honored as the Interfaith Ambassador of the Year by the Center for Interfaith Cooperation (CIC) at its third annual Interfaith Banquet at the Columbia Club on Sunday, February 12.

Sister Norma from Ray Mills Media on Vimeo.

More than 270 people from all faith communities and from Marian University celebrated Sr. Norma and her lifetime commitment to religious diversity and interfaith collaboration. Speakers included Mayor Joe Hogsett, President Daniel J. Elsener, Sr. Jean Marie Cleveland (vice president of mission effectiveness), Alumnus Glenn Tebbe (Indianapolis Catholic Conference), and Kathy Souchet Downey of Congressman Andre Carson’s Office. Former Mayor Greg Ballard was also in attendance.

Sisters with Mayor
That night, Mayor Joe Hogsett declared February 12 “Sr. Norma Day.” (Photo by Bill Foley)

The Marian University community came out in full force with members of the Sacred Choir and marching band performing, and Pierre Atlas, Ph.D. (a CIC board member along with Sr. Norma), served as emcee for the event.

One of the evening’s highlights was a special video tribute to Sr. Norma by Cardinal Joseph Tobin from the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey.

Cardinal Tobin's Message for Sister Norma Rocklage from Ray Mills Media on Vimeo.

“Countless students and co-workers at Marian University, colleagues in education with the principal’s institute, and men and women blessed through your ministry, religious education, retreat leadership, spiritual direction, and outreach to Hispanic communities have met and come to know Jesus Christ through you and your commitment to your Franciscan charism,” Cardinal Tobin said in the video tribute.  “Thank you Sister for all that you are and all that you do on behalf of Christ the Redeemer.”

Marian University was the Legacy Sponsor for this event.