Meet the Staff: Aaron Wilder ‘11

Aaron WilderAaron Wilder ’11, assistant director of the Marian University Writing Center, can be found in Clare Hall, working with students to better their writing, managing tutors, and promoting the center to the Indianapolis area. For Wilder, the Writing Center is more than just the place he works—It’s where he was mentored as an undergraduate student. It also happens to be where, as an undergraduate, he met his wife and fellow student at the time, Kayla Wilder ’14. 

Wilder hopes to blur the lines between campus and Indianapolis, inviting all in the community to visit the Writing Center for guidance and development. The Writing Center partnered with Flanner House to open the first community writing center in Midwest, the Flanner Community Writing Center. Wilder is currently working on completing a master’s degree in English, focusing his research on social agency in writing centers

Q&A with Aaron Wilder

Q: What brought you back to campus? 

A: I started out freshman year of college as an athlete playing baseball and tennis. When I came for my visit, people recognized me both times. I really liked that about my visit. I always loved the Writing Center here. The Writing Center and a couple of my professors are what made me make the transition from identifying primarily as an athlete to identifying primarily as a scholar. I knew I always had a knack for writing and communication related activities, but I had no idea how I was going to apply that. 

Q: What has been your favorite part of working on campus so far? 

Definitely the students. The students that I work with are some of the most amazing people that I’ve ever met. Even after students graduate, we tend to stay in touch and talk because they are great people making an impact on the world. 

Q: Outside of work, what do you like to do?

A: I like being a dad. My daughter is one, and she is kind of the coolest kid that has ever graced the faced of the Earth. She’s pretty awesome. It’s always fun to bring her by the Writing Center.  I’m also an athlete. I play for the national hurling team. Indianapolis sends a hurling team to nationals every year, and I’m on that team. 

How did you get into hurling? 

I had a friend who got involved in the club with his wife, and he asked me to join. That year I made the national team. This is my third year, and we are going back to San Francisco for the national tournament. Hopefully we’ll bring home first place this year.