Giving Tuesday: 5 Ways to Be a Part of #KnightsGiveBack

1. Follow our lead.


We’re going to be celebrating ALL day by sharing pictures, stories, and ideas. Be sure you’re following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and use the hashtag #KnightsGiveBack in your own posts.

2. Dress like a Knight.

MU Students

We’re thinking more blue and gold than armor and chainmail, but follow your heart. Make sure everyone knows you’re a Knight on November 28.

3. Put the "Giving" in Giving Tuesday.

Giving Tuesday

You don't need to present us with a giant check. Whether you have $.80 to give or $800, every gift makes an impact. Your gift means a student gets the chance to go to college, a program gains an expert, a building creates a space for students to learn, engage, and grow.  

4.  Share your story.

Share Your Story

Tell your friends and loyal followers why they should give to Marian University. If you’re a student, you can talk about your experiences at Marian. If you’re an alumnus, you can talk about the opportunities you gained from attending here. If you’re a donor, talk about why you give. (Hear other Knights stories by searching the hashtag #HumansofMarian.) 

5. Give thanks.  

Give thanks

Maybe a professor helped you through a difficult time in your life or you received a family's endowed scholarship. Maybe an alumnus helped you get your first internship or job. On November 28, take the time to say "thank you" to the Knights who have helped you along the way. We're so grateful for, and proud of, this incredible community! 

When you give one student an opportunity, the legacy of Marian expands. Your gift multiplies in the lives impacted by the one person. Learn more about Forging Leaders: The Legacy We’re Made For and how gifts made to Marian University will make an impact for years to come.