Meet the Staff: Patrick Verhiley

Patrick VerhileyPatrick Verhiley '07, director of recruitment for the San Damiano Scholarship Program, can be found visiting Catholic high schools and parishes, meeting with students on campus visit days, or interviewing applicants for the San Damiano Scholarship Program for Church Leadership.

Before starting his position at the university, Verhiley taught religion courses at Roncalli High school for six years, coaching cross country and baseball and advising the Pro-Life Club. Verhiley is an alumnus of Marian University and was part of the inaugural class of the San Diamano Scholars Program.

Q: What made you choose Marian as a student?

A: There were many factors. I'm originally from South Bend, so I wanted to be far enough away from home that my mom wasn't just going to pop in, but also close enough that I could go home for the weekend. I'm the oldest of seven, so I wanted to be able to see my brothers and sisters grow up a little bit. I really wanted to go to a Catholic school. I didn't just want to keep my faith, but I wanted to grow in my faith.

Q: Can you describe some of your responsibilities?

A: My main priority is to go out as much as I possibly can to Catholic high schools and parishes and meet with area ministers with the hope to find candidates for the San Damiano Scholarship Program for Church Leadership. Each season is a little bit different. The fall is really all about going out and getting and reviewing applications. I host a number of events, whether they be preview days, or accepted student days, or interview days, where students come and interview for the program. Those are by far my favorite days on campus because students get to meet each other and really start to hear their stories through the interview. They make connections immediately, and it's almost like they are best friends. It's really neat to see.

Q: What's been your favorite part of working at Marian so far?

A: I love helping the students connect with one another and form a community early on. It's connecting them with everything our professors have to offer, everything the university has to offer and everything Indianapolis has to offer. When you see that click, its rewarding, fun, and exciting to be a part of the process.

Q: Outside of work, what do you like to do?

A: I am a father of four little kids, and they are all under the age of five. That consumes my life right there. They are a handful, but they are blast, and it's fun watching them grow and come into their characters. My wife and I like to try out different breweries in the area. We are also very active in our parish at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church downtown.