Meet the Staff: Ed Ventura

Ed VenturaEd Ventura is the man behind Whether it's a homepage facelift or an upcoming event featured on the digital signs, Ed makes it happen. 

Ed has worked for Marian University for two years and loves to collaborate with offices and departments across campus, making webpages beautiful and accessible.  

Outside of work, Ed is a passionate hobbyist, wood working, glass blowing, and battling it out on the tennis courts.

Q&A with Ed Ventura

Q: If you could switch places with one other faculty or staff member, who would it be and why?

A: I'd switch places with Jim Larner because I'd like to be in charge of the music department for a day. 

Q: What is your favorite part of working at Marian?

A: The people. The people are some of the most creative and talented people I’ve worked with and I like working with all departments in developing their web presence. Shout out to IT for helping with all the 404s!

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: If you’d asked me a month ago, it would have been Iceland, but I just got back and I can’t wait to go again. Next on the list is Barcelona, Spain.