Marian University Establishes Language Honor Society Chapters

On March 28, Marian University hosted three language honor society initiation ceremonies for German, Spanish, and French. Honor societies include: Upsilon Xi chapter of Delta Phi Alpha for German, Alpha Alpha Chi chapter of Sigma Delta Pi for Spanish, and Pi Nu chapter of Pi Delta Phi for French.

Language Honor Society

Students inducted into the honor societies met specific academic requirements, including taking advanced levels of the language and holding a minimum GPA. Faculty, staff, alumni, and community members who supported the language programs were also initiated as honorary members of each chapter.

"Today’s initiation ceremony and reception is a particularly significant one as it marks the establishment of national honor society chapters in all three modern languages at Marian University (French, German and Spanish) and the induction of the first cohort of members to each chapter," Wendy Westphal, chair of the Department of Languages and Cultures, said at the Delta Phi Alpha ceremony. "As chapter advisor, I am delighted to have the chance to recognize the work you have done."

Study abroad scholarship opportunities, award opportunities, and the prestige of lifelong membership to a national honor society are just a few benefits for inductees. The honor societies also serve as recognition and promotion of each language and culture.

In America, formal academic honor societies have existed since the late 19th century. The oldest academic society, Phi Beta Kappa, was founded as a social and literary fraternity in 1776. To establish language honor society chapters at Marian University, each of the language programs was required to complete an application which discussed the merits of the program.