Meet the Staff: Jeanette DeBruhl

Jeanette DeBruhl

For nearly 10 years, Jeanette DeBruhl served as an academic advisor in the Leighton School of Nursing, guiding students on their journeys to graduation. Now, she’s taking on a new challenge as director of student support and advising in the Fred S. Klipsch Educators College. With a degree in education and experience as both an advisor and a teacher, she’s ready to create a structured advising program for Klipsch Educators College where she will advise freshmen. Once they are accepted into the college, she’ll pair them with faculty advisors in their area of interest.

The incoming freshmen class will be the first to experience the new advising program.

“It will be really nice to have a new group of students,” DeBruhl said. “It always reinvigorates you to have new students who are really excited about joining the Marian community.”

Q&A with Jeanette DeBruhl

If you could switch places with one other person on campus (for a day), who would it be and why?

I think Kristie Johnson’s job seems really interesting. She works with nearly every department on campus and she also gets to connect a lot of community organizations for grant writing and things like that. I think her job seems cool. And, her office is in Sommers Mansion.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I’m really involved in the Central Indiana running community. I run marathons and half-marathons and I’m in a couple of local running groups. Next week, I’m running the Nashville Rock N’ Roll Half Marathon.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in running?

So many people don’t like to run. They have this really negative impression of running. And it’s one of those things that probably the first time you do it—if you’ve never done it before—you won’t enjoy it. So, start slow. I think it’s good to join a group. Just like anything else, it’s always good to have a supportive group of people around you on the same journey. And just start slow and build up to it.