Two Students Receive Prestigious Gilman Scholarship to Study Abroad

Study Abroad

Marian University students Ruthann Gorrell '19 and Htoo Thu '20 were awarded the United States Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study abroad. This summer, Gorrell left for her program in Lima, Peru, and Thu headed to Santiago, Chile.  

"The Gilman Scholarship was a wonderful opportunity to receive financial support for my study abroad program but, more importantly, to be integrated into a network of other scholars interested in global issues," Gorrell said.

Gorrell and Thu are students in Marian University’s College of Arts and Sciences. Gorrell studies biology and the Gilman scholarship allowed her to take part in a program where she’ll take classes in medical Spanish and global and public health. She also plans to travel to Machu Picchu, Cusco, the Sacred Valley, Iquitos in the Amazon Jungle, Ica, and Paracas while in Peru.

Thu, who studies chemistry, will spend seven weeks in a summer health studies program while in Chile. 

“Although I am very nervous about traveling alone, I am very excited to spend my summer speaking a completely different language in a whole new environment. I am most looking forward to experiencing the beauty of the Chilean culture, the city of Santiago, living with my host family, and making lifelong friends,” Thu said.

Both Gorrell and Htoo received guidance during the application process from Wendy Westphal, Ph.D., assistant professor of German, chair of the department of languages and cultures, and director of study abroad. They are the third and fourth Marian Gilman scholarship recipients since she started in 2012. 

“I am most excited to immerse myself in a new culture and learn from the people I meet,” Gorrell said.