Marian University Students Strengthen Friendships with Franciscan Sisters

Some Marian University students who live in the Dorothy Day house on campus, decided to give back to the Franciscan sisters by helping enrich friendships, while serving students on campus. MU Students

Mariangel Morales-Aparicio '24, Daniela Ochoa '24, MaryClare Swick '25, and Michelle Dickert '24, chose  to rekindle lost relationships due to the pandemic as part of their “Communication for Intentional Communities” course for a minor in peace and justice studies.

The class—which this year consists of just the women—meets every three weeks and focuses on living out Pope Francis’ teachings of showing “ecumenical hospitality” or “intentional hospitality.”  Read more of this story here as it appears in The Criterion, the online newsletter of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Congratulations on the excellent work ladies!