Philosophy Professor Shines Bright in Recent Publications

Joseph GamacheCongratulations Dr. Joseph Gamache, Ph.D., Department of Philosophy Chair, and assistant professor of Philosophy on his recent publication of “The Dramatization of Absolute Idealism: Gabriel Marcel and F. H. Bradley.”

Dr. Gamache discusses the extent of the influence of the philosopher Bradley’s relationship with Marcel’s ideas. He writes in his introduction that Marcel can be read as “dramatizing certain Bradleyan themes, thereby drawing out the ontological weight of Bradley’s philosophical positions." it was published in the philosophy journal The Pluralist and represents another exciting step in Dr. Gamache’s sustained scholarship about and advancing French philosopher Gabriel Marcel. 

In addition, Dr. Gamache also published "Hildebrandian Importance as a Scale of Forms: Why Value is Properly a Philosophical Concept.” The work was recently published in the Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. Congratulations on both of your publications Dr. Gamache!