Marian University Senior Wins First Place at 2024 Indiana Association of School Broadcaster’s Contest

Indiana Association of School Broadcasters'Marian University is proud to announce that senior Jordan Pohl ’24 has clinched the first-place title in air personality at the 2024 Indiana Association of School Broadcasters’ annual contest!

Pohl, a marketing major with a minor in communications, demonstrated exceptional talent and skill in broadcasting, showcasing his prowess in the field. His winning submission was a culmination of assignments completed during Marian University Director of Student Media Jackie Liu Ph.D.’s, Spring 2023 Media Production course. This remarkable achievement marks a significant milestone for Marian University, as it secures its first state-level broadcasting award following a curriculum shift geared towards media and journalism.

Upon receiving the prestigious award, Pohl expressed his gratitude, stating, “Winning this award is a testament to the incredible support and mentorship I’ve received at Marian University. It is an honor to be recognized for my passion in broadcasting, and I am excited to continue pursuing excellence in this field.”

Congratulations to Marian’s Shining Star Jordan for his dedication and talent which exemplify the spirit of Marian University’s commitment to nurturing students’ potential and fostering success in diverse fields of study.