Marian University Ancilla College Student Spotlight: Exode Minga ‘26

Exode MingaMeet Exode Minga '26, a dedicated student currently enrolled in the elementary education program at Marian University's Ancilla College (MUAC). With a fervent commitment to nurturing young minds, Minga brings a creative and innovative approach to teaching. Beyond his academic pursuits, he also serves as a student ambassador in the admissions office, passionately sharing his love for MUAC with prospective students.

In addition to his academic and ambassadorial roles, Minga is a shining example of athleticism, showcasing his talents on both the soccer field and basketball court. Reflecting on the profound impact educators have had on his own life, Minga finds inspiration in the opportunity to shape the next generation of learners.

"Teaching is more than just a career for me; it's a calling to inspire and empower the next generation of learners, Minga explained. At Marian University's Ancilla College, I'm honored to be part of a community that values creativity, compassion, and educational excellence."

Throughout his experiences in the elementary education program, including engaging activities at local elementary schools, Minga has cultivated emotional intelligence and a nurturing teaching style. He emphasizes the importance of MUAC's "double C's" approach—caring and creativity—in fostering an environment where students feel valued and empowered to learn.

Looking ahead, Minga envisions a future teaching locally in Northern Indiana and hopes to expand his impact through international teaching and outreach endeavors.

Discover how you can embark on a transformative journey in elementary education at Marian University's Ancilla College by visiting: Elementary Education Programs at MUAC.