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Online Adaptive Leadership Certificate

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Are you a working professional seeking to grow in your leadership practice? The 100% Online Adaptive Leadership Certificate is designed to support professionals in any industry who seek to grow in their leadership and to have a more meaningful impact at their organization. We know that today’s workplaces face unique and complex challenges. Marian University’s certificate focuses on building emotional and psychological capacity to understand complex systems and to help mobilize others to make progress on their most difficult challenges. while developing capacity to carry these burdens in order to help mobilize others to make progress.

Typically, the 12-credit hour certificate can be completed in one to two semesters. The online courses will be taught by our faculty and industry experts in a five-week format. Allowing for the utmost flexibility, these courses will be taught asynchronously. The certificate program is set competitively at $425 per credit hour.
Learning Objectives:

  • Diagnose the complex social systems of an organization and the challenges faced by learners’ organizations.
  • Mobilize others within an organization to make meaningful progress.
  • Focus on and increase the emotional and psychological capacity needed to exercise leadership and carry others during challenging times and hardships at an organization.
  • Act with purpose and agency within groups, teams, and organizations.
  • Manage the technical aspects of an organization’s operations and differentiate between a technical problem and an adaptive challenge

For more information, contact Johnna Denning-Smith, Associate Director of Strategic Partnership and Online Recruitment (

Courses begin this fall!

Materials needed to begin:

  • High school diploma or qualifying high school equivalency exam
  • Current resume

Certificate Program Plan

Course Number Course Title Credits

LDR 310

Foundations in Adaptive Leadership


LDR 350

Adaptive Leadership from the “Inside-Out”: Gaining Freedom and Choice


Choose Two Courses

BUS 210

Effective Workplace Conversations/Transparent Leadership


BUS 304

Business Ethics


BUS 330



BUS 495

Business Policy and Strategy


LDR 320

Adaptive Leadership: Advanced Diagnostics and Interventions


MGT 352

Organizational Behavior


MGT 372

Creativity and Change


PBH 100

Intro to Human Services and Public Policy


PSY 310

Industrial and Organizational Psychology


Reach Out to Us

Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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© 2025 Marian University

Notice of Nondiscrimination: Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students. Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation. Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.