"Adjusting to life in Indiana has been a joy! There is certainly no shortage of opportunities to take a break from studying. The Indiana State Fair, Indianapolis 500, Devour Downtown and weekly events at Fountain Square are among our favorites. And, it turns out “Hoosier Hospitality” is an actual phenomenon – the people here are incredibly friendly!"
Indy has a small town feel, but supports big-city amenities. Host of Super Bowl XLIV and the legendary Indianapolis 500, Indianapolis is home to the Indianapolis Colts, Indiana Pacers, Indianapolis Indians, and Indiana Fever. The city is a premier sports venue that also offers dozens of arts, cultural, and recreational experiences from the world's largest Children's Museum to the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Indianapolis Repertory Theatre, one of the country's largest city parks, and four other urban universities. The city provides students with a wide range of activities to enrich their lives, as well as proximity to some of the best medical facilities in the nation.
Indiana is also listed by the Wall Street Journal as a leading United States life sciences hub, and is home to more than 825 medical device companies, drug manufacturers, and research labs. Large international names, such as Eli Lilly and Company, United Health, and Wellpoint, Inc., are leaders of this growing industry.
In life sciences exports from Indiana, second in the United States
Number of pharmaceutical, medical device and equipment, agbiosciences, research, testing and medical laboratories, and biologistics subsectors
Indianapolis ranks 15th among 155 U.S. cities with a labor force of more than 150,000 as one of the "Most Affordable Cities to Live & Work In 2022." According to a biennial survey of Indiana's biosciences economy in 2020 published by Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) and TEConomy Partners, it is in the top 10 nationwide, comprising seven cities: Indianapolis, Bloomington, Evansville, Lafayette, Michigan City, South Bend, and Terre Haute.
Find out more information about industries and quality of life by visiting indychamber.com and 16tech.com
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