In an effort to reduce sole reliance on student loans, the Office of Financial Aid strongly encourages students to conduct scholarship searches with local civic, religious, fraternal, community organizations, personal donors, and free scholarship search engines found at some of the reputable sites provided below. While applying for scholarships can be time-consuming, this investment of your time can often pay long-term financial dividends. Scholarship funds replace dollar for dollar the amount needed in loans, reducing your overall loan debt upon graduation. Although the responsibility of searching for scholarships is ultimately yours, we have compiled a list of suggested websites to assist you in your search. These recommendations do not encompass all potential scholarship opportunities, so we encourage all students to continue to research additional options beyond those listed here.
The NHSC scholarship program awards scholarships each year to students pursuing primary healthcare professions training. In return for each school year of financial support received, students agree to provide primary health care services for one year at an NHSC-approved site located in a high-need Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA). For the first school year of support, there is a minimum two-year service commitment.
Eligibility Requirements:
For additional information and/or application materials, please contact: National Health Service Corporation Scholarship Programs through the website:
The Army, Navy, and Air Force offer competitive scholarships based on academic performance and recommendations. The scholarship provides a monthly stipend, tuition and fees, books and instruments.
United States citizens that physically qualify must enroll or be accepted for enrollment at an approved college. In return for the scholarship, recipients are obligated to give one year of service for each year of support (minimum two years of service). For additional information and/or application materials, please contact the military branch of interest.
The Health Professions scholarship provides financial aid covering tuition, required fees and other educational and living expenses for qualified American Indian and Alaska Native students (members of federally recognized Tribes only) applying to, accepted by, or enrolled in health professions programs.
Students incur service obligations and payback requirements on acceptance of their scholarship award. Graduate students and junior- and senior-level students receive priority unless otherwise specified.
For additional information and/or application materials, please contact: Indian Health Services:
In 2013, the Indiana General Assembly established the Primary Care Scholarship to fund annual scholarships for Marian University students enrolled in the Wood College of Osteopathic Medicine who agree to provide primary care in Indiana after becoming a licensed physician. The scholarship, which is for MU-WCOM students, is for up to $15,000 per year. Primary care is defined as family medicine, general internal medicine, general pediatrics, OB/GYN, and general psychiatry. For more information, contact Julia Ford.
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