Nancy Johnston, DVM
This consultation service provides support for investigators considering the use of vertebrate animals in teaching and/or research.
Jonathan Lowery, PhD
This core facility and consultation service provides analyses for cell signaling events using candidate-driven immunoblots, ELISAs, dot blots, and high-throughput arrays.
Kevin Gries, PhD
This core facility and consultation service provides analyses for gene expression by realtime PCR and manages the process for sequencing DNA.
Christina Pepin, PhD
This consultation service provides support for investigators considering the use of human subjects in research.
Patrick McVey, PhD
This core facility and service provides mass spectrometry analyses using ICPMS and LTQXL linear ion trap setups.
Jonathan Lowery, PhD
This core facility and consultation service provides mechanical testing analyses using a FlexCell compression system.
Elizabeth Delery, PhD
This core facility and consultation service provides microscopic analyses using brightfield, phase contrast, and fluorescence-based work.
Chris Nicholson, PhD
This core facility and consultation service provides NMR analyses.
Center for Teaching & Learning
This core facility and consultation service supports design and printing of posters for meetings, conferences, etc.
David Rusbasan, PhD
This consultation service provides support for investigators considering qualitative research studies such as interviews, focus groups, etc.
Guang Xu, PhD
This consultation service provides support for statistical analyses.
Tony Ribera, PhD
This consultation services provides support for survey design and distribution.