Intramural grants are available for Marian University faculty and staff through two competition-based programs hosted by the Research & Scholarship Administration.
Additional intramural grant competitions may be available through other units. Click here for more details about the Teaching & Learning Committee’s grant program aimed at enhancing departmental/program assessment practices and supporting faculty and staff in their efforts assessing student learning and engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).
Funds are available to support the cost of public dissemination of scholarship by Marian University faculty and staff. More details on how to access the funds is provided below:
Poster printing: Complimentary poster printing services are available through the Marian University Center for Teaching & Learning. More information on formatting and how to submit the file is available at this link. The cost of printing posters for faculty/staff scholarship provided through the Central Research Operations budget.
Publications: Faculty and staff members may request funds to cover costs associated with publication of research and scholarship. More details on this policy may be found here. Individuals seeking to have their publication costs covered by such funds must receive approval prior to submission of the work to the venue. Funding requests that are received after submission of the work may not be approved. Please submit your funding request for publication costs at this link.