The core function of the university is deliver academically rigorous and exemplary teaching to provide our students an inclusive and engaging learning environment where they can achieve their educational and professional goals.
In order to accomplish this, our faculty need support and development from “hire to retire.” Through the Office of the Provost we coordinate the provision of quality development programs, opportunities to work collaboratively with peers, guidance in using assessment data to continuously improve student learning, collaborating with faculty on the revision and updating of curriculums, and aligning teaching and learning efforts across colleges and programs.
Work in this area is coordinated through the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Office of Educational Assessment and overseen by the Assistant Provost for Teaching and Learning. In addition, we work very closely with the faculty’s Teaching and Learning Committee and General Education Committee.
Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000
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