Academic Policies Committee information is now located with the Office of the Provost.
Placement Testing Guides
Test Credit Equivalencies
Softdocs/Etrieve Instructions
MU-HUB Instructions
Academic Integrity Syllabus Policy
Treat everyone in the class with respect. Marian University prides itself on the academic integrity and responsibility of our students. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense because it undermines the trust between students and faculty, weakens the credibility of the academic enterprise and defrauds those who believe in the value and integrity of a Marian degree. Academic dishonesty includes cheating (intentionally using unauthorized materials in any academic exercise), plagiarism (representing the words or ideas of another as your own), and facilitating academic dishonesty (intentionally helping another student commit a breach of academic conduct. A student who commits an act of academic dishonesty may face disciplinary action ranging from failure on a specific academic exercise to dismissal from the university. The process and procedure for this policy is listed in The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Student responsibility for dropping/withdrawing from a course
It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to drop the course before the drop date. Faculty members are not responsible for dropping students who suspend class attendance. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to withdrawal from the course on or before the last day permitted. A withdrawal will appear on your transcripts as a “W”, but will not affect your GPA. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the impact of failing courses or withdrawing from courses on state and federal financial aid as well as scholarship eligibility.