This page is provided to support department designees, faculty, chairs and deans while building and revising their department class schedules for each semester.
These are the approved time slots to offer courses. This allows maximized use of all rooms on campus. Failure to comply with approved time slots may result in the rejections or alterations of your request.
This is your real-time view of the schedule. This allows you to pull all or portions on the schedule into excel. You will use this to view the schedule by semester as a whole or even the break down by department.
Faculty Instructions - Argos Report Pulling and Schedule Change Form Submission Steps
The use of cross listing has been significantly reduced and we no longer allow the same course to be offered under two department headers. If you would like to cross list two or more section, please contact The Registrar's Office directly.
Cross listing is an option that is provided at the section level and will be required to be confirmed each semester. This allows both sections to have a combined capacity, roster, classroom (if applicable) and Canvas. This does not equate them in an audit to fill the same requirements. This does not require APC action.
All faculty, full and part-time, must be approved by the Provost’s Office and HR prior to being listed on the course. If the faculty is not in the Colleague system at the time the course section is being created, the course instructor will be listed as TBD until a change is provided by the department.
Only faculty on record in Colleague will be evaluated for that course. Faculty added via the Canvas course do not have faculty privileges to grade and will not be evaluated.
See the Registration Resources page for Instructional Methods available:
Please follow these guidelines, when editing the schedule, for courses that are still working through Academic Policy Committee (APC).
It is the responsibility of the department to adhere to their posted rotations. The Registrar's Office will not be monitoring this or advising departments of what to add or remove. In addition, the below rotations codes are approved for use and our system does not have the ability to accommodate special rotations outside of the below. Courses that are offered every semester do NOT have a rotation, session, or yearly cycle listed.
Session Cycle
Yearly Cycle
Special Topic courses are those offered to trial a course or topic prior to officially creating the course through APC. The course, and specific topic should only be offered once and repeated courses of this nature should not be. Special topic course are listed as 180, 280, 380, 480, 580, 680, 780 etc.
If an instructor would like to add a Special Topic course, in a given semester, the below steps must be followed:
1. Department Approval: Provide the syllabi to the college/school dean or designee for internal review and approval. This will be the official record of the syllabi and be saved by the college/school internally or on the university portal if the syllabi is needed in the future.
2. Registrar's Office Creation: Provide course details to the registrar's office via a Schedule Change Form with the course offering details and description. Special topics courses without descriptions will direct the student to the department for this information.