This exam schedule applies to all undergraduate and graduate courses offered at all MU site locations (excluding the DO program and accelerated online nursing programs) which meet the full standard semester or the final five or eight weeks of the semester.
How to read the final exam schedule: You will find exam times listed in the left column with exam days listed across the top. The exam schedule is set up as a matrix - Look in the middle of the matrix to find the days and times when your class normally meets, then look at the row and column in which that course time is listed to find out when the final exam will take place.
If the schedule indicates that you have more than three exams on one day, please contact the Office of the Registrar a minimum of two weeks prior to the final exam week. Our office is located in room 104 of Marian Hall. We can assist you in resolving this issue.
Marian University
3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000
Get in touch and we'll talk to you soon. #GoKnights⚔️