Graduates receiving a baccalaureate degree who participate in-person in the May 2025 commencement ceremony, and who have met honors criteria as of the date the commencement program is prepared in March, will receive a gold honors cord at commencement line-up to wear with their regalia.
The commencement program lists graduates' honors as of the date it was prepare, but the diploma will reflect the final honors after all grades have been posted and GPA calculations are final.
The GPA used to determine honors eligibility is the cumulative GPA listed on the transcript. Candidates should view their unofficial transcript in the MUHUB for an accurate GPA, not MUHUB My Progress.
A minimum of 60 credit hours must be earned in Marian University coursework in order to be eligible for academic honors. Transfer credit is not included in this calculation.
Undergraduate graduates - the tassel hangs over the right front corner then is moved to the left after the degree is conferred. All graduates will be directed to move the tassel at one time during the ceremony.
Graduate and Doctoral graduates - the tassel hangs over the left front corner of the cap from the beginning.