Student Year/Type | Criteria | Registration opens |
Senior | Students with 94+ earned credit hours | Mon., March 17 |
Junior | Students with 62-93.99 earned credit hours | Wed., March 19 |
Sophomore | Students with 30-61.99 earned credit hours | Mon., March 24 |
Freshman | Students with 0-29.99 earned credit hours | Wed., March 26 |
Second Degree & MAP Online | Students with a previously earned bachelor’s degree and/or enrolled through the MAP program | Mon., March 3 |
Graduate & Doctorate | Master’s and/or doctoral degree-seeking students | Mon., March 17 |
The above dates apply to all sites and/or locations and access to register online will open as soon as each day begins, which is 12 a.m. (midnight)
Questions? Explore the links in the expandable menu below. If you have questions after reviewing this information, please contact the Office of the Registrar.
Students are required to completed academic advising with their assigned academic advisor or program director prior to registration each semester. The advisor or program director must “authorize” each student to register for classes, but the advisor or program director is not responsible for processing the student’s registration. Students must register themselves for classes.
Not sure who your assigned academic advisor or program director is? Log into the MUHUB, click on Student Planning, then Go to Plan and Schedule and click on the Advising tab. If the advisor listed is not correct, you will need to file a Change of Major/Advisor form with the Office of the Registrar.
Student Planning is an innovative new way to plan and track your progress at Marian University. You can communicate and work with your academic advisor or program director to create an online academic plan and build a course schedule for future semesters. You will be able to plan your program, plan courses and build an academic plan, register for courses, and explore your options all in one place. Student Planning will empower you to take control of your education and help you access the information you need to graduate!
Academic Resources:
Q1. How do I access student planning?
Log into the MUHUB. Select Student Planning.
Q2. What is the different between planning courses and scheduling sections?
Courses can be planned over multiple terms and years. This enables you to lay out your courses over the semesters you plan to attend to complete your program. Planning a course DOES NOT guarantee the course will be offered in the term you planned.
Sections for the course, which are the dates and times the course is offered, are usually only available for the current and immediately upcoming terms. You must schedule sections of your planned courses before you can register for them.
Q3. How can I plan my courses?
Option 1: Use the Search for Courses field to search for specific courses by course name or course number. See your search results in the Course Catalog tab and Select Add Course to Plan.
Option 2: Use the Course Catalog tab to find a course by its subject. Then select Add Course to Plan.
Option 3: From the My Progress tab, scroll down to find courses based on your program’s specific requirements. Select a specific course number or select Search within a requirements section. See your search results in the Course Catalog tab and select a course from the search results, then select Add Course to Plan.
Q4. How can I register for classes after my advisor/program director has “authorized” my plan?
Option 1: To register for all of your planned sections at once, select the Register Now button on the top right. This will register you for all available sections only. This does not include sections that are already full or waitlisted. If you can’t register for a section because it is full, the register button will not be available.
Option 2: You can register for individual planned sections by selecting the Register button at the bottom of each section on the left. If a section is unavailable, you may be given the option to waitlist for the course. If the option to waitlist is available you will need to select that on each individual section to be waitlisted.
NOTE: Watch for messages that may appear in the Notifications section at the top right corner.
Q5. Why am I unable to register for classes?
Here are a few things to check:
If you are still experiencing issues after checking these things, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or (317) 955-6050.
Q6. How can I drop a registered section of a class?
Select a section from your current schedule and select Drop and then Update to process the drop. The planned section will remain on your schedule in yellow, but it will no longer show that you’re registered for the course if the drop was successful. You can remove the planned section once it is dropped to keep your schedule updated.
Students can freely drop courses through the first week of classes – until Sunday at midnight - using MUHUB (unless the course meets six days or fewer). Please view the Academic Calendar for the last date to drop courses. A “W” grade may apply - please see the University Withdrawal Refund Schedule for details.
Students can drop with a ‘W’ grade from a registered section via the MUHUB until six business days before the published end date of the class (unless the course meet less than six days). Select a section from your current schedule and select Drop and then Update to process the drop.
Q8. How do I add a course after the start date?
Students can add courses (excluding MAP and five week or less sections) through MUHUB the first week after the course start date. Instructor approval is not needed if the course has open seats. If the course is closed (full/no seats) or had a prior waitlist, the student must request approval to add from the instructor. The instructor must email to request the student be added by the office.
Q9. How do I get approval for a course that requires permission or a prerequisite?
Student should be seeking approval to register in courses that do not allow registration in MUHUB by emailing the instructor listed on the course. The instructor will grant permission via the MUHUB and the student will see an “approved” status on the planned course in the MUHUB. The student is responsible for registering for the course through the MUHUB once approval is granted by the faculty member. This must be done prior to the course start date. If the course does not have a faculty member listed you can seek approval, via email, from the appropriate department chair/dean.
Q10. How do I get permission to add a course I am wait listed for?
Students may opt to put themselves on a wait list for a course that is closed. Wait listing for a course DOES NOT guarantee a spot in the class. The wait list runs nightly and any increases in enrollment on the section will move the next person(s) on the waitlist into the section, as seats become available. Course section increases must be made by the department.
Q11. How do I get permission to enroll in two courses that have conflicting times?
A time conflict cannot be overridden in MUHUB. The student must submit a Time Conflict Approval Request Form via Etrieve.
Q12. How do I register for a course as audit or pass/fail?
Restrictions on pass/fail and audit options are detailed in the Catalog of Programs and deadlines are outlined in the Academic Calendar. To take a course as audit or pass/fail, please email for further instruction.
Students wishing to audit a course must be admitted to the university. This option is not available for laboratory, studio, private lessons, or practicum courses. No credit or grade is given. All changes to audit status must be recorded in the Office of the Registrar by the posted deadline as listed in the Academic Calendar.
AC | Ancilla Campus - Plymouth, IN |
AF | Athletic Facility |
CH | Clare Hall |
DH | Doyle Hall (basement) |
EC | Evans Center |
LIB | Library |
NC | Norman Center |
MB/MC | Music Building/Steffan Music Center |
MH | Marian Hall |
OH | Oldenburg Hall |
PJH | Peace and Justice House |
UH | University Hall (3rd floor) |
WSE | Witchger School of Engineering |
When planning a course schedule, students will have access to view and plan courses with any section code. However, students should only plan for courses with sections that coordinate with their Location/Student Type.
Registration for sections outside your Location/Student Type is not permitted.
Location / Student Type |
Course Section Coding |
Course Length |
Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctorial |
MM## |
All lengths - see instructional method for the format the course will be taught |
Month (ie. FEB) |
All lengths - see instructional method for the format the course will be taught |
Ancilla Campus (MUAC) Plymouth, IN |
AC## |
All lengths - see instructional method for the format the course will be taught |
Saint Joseph College (MUSJC) |
SJC## |
All lengths - see instructional method for the format the course will be taught |
Online Programs *Summer courses labeled 8 weeks run for 7 weeks |
Marian’s Adult Program |
F5## |
First 5 weeks |
S5## |
Second 5 weeks |
T5## |
Third 5 weeks |
F8## |
First 8 weeks* |
S8## |
Second 8 weeks* |
Oklahoma Site (OKC) |
OK## |
Full Semester |
OKF8## |
First 8 weeks* |
OKS8## |
Second 8 weeks* |
Saint Thomas Site (STT) |
ST## |
Full Semester |
STF8## |
First 8 weeks* |
STS8## |
Second 8 weeks* |
Saint Vincent Site (STV) |
SV## |
Full Semester |
SVF8## |
First 8 weeks* |
SVS8## |
Second 8 weeks* |
A combined maximum of 12 credits in developmental and enhancement courses may apply toward a bachelor degree or 6 credits toward an associate degree. Any developmental or enhancement courses that may be transferred in will be counted towards the maximum.
*indicates a previous enhancement course that is no longer active in the Catalog of Programs
Classroom Students are required to be in the classroom with the instructor. Students must be able to come to campus to be successful in this the course. The default classroom assignment is a standard classroom. |
Flex Facilitated Students are required to be in the classroom for class. The instructor may be teaching live or remotely. This is commonly used for courses taught at multiple locations. Students must be able to come to campus to be successful in this the course. The default classroom assignment is a HyFlex room. |
Hybrid Students will be required to be on campus for some class sessions, but many sessions and/or coursework will be online. Students must be able to come to campus in order to be successful in this course. The default classroom assignment is a standard classroom. |
HyFlex Students have the option to attend the synchronous portion of the class in-person or remotely and may be able to switch between the two during the semester. Sessions will be recorded for those unable to attend the synchronous sessions. The instructor will be teaching from the classroom. Students can successfully take this course without coming to campus. The default classroom assignment is a HyFlex room. |
Online Students have no requirement to be on campus nor be online at any specific time. Students can successfully take this course without coming to campus. No physical classroom is assigned. |
Remote Students do not have to be on campus, but they must be online at specific times. The instructor will be teaching live online. Students can successfully take this course without coming to campus. No physical classroom is assigned. |
What is person proxy in the MUHUB?
In MUHUB, students may grant ‘person proxy’ access to an individual to access certain aspects of their student MUHUB account. Common person proxies may include a parent or guardian, a spouse, a family member, a friend, or a third-party agent (such as a vocational rehabilitation services counselor).
Proxy access can permit designated individuals to view billing information, view financial aid information, and/or view student grade information. A student chooses which information to grant proxy access. For example, a student may decide only to grant proxy access to billing information.
How does person proxy impact student FERPA rights?
Marian University students establish their FERPA rights upon registering for their first class, regardless of the course start date. (For more information on Marian’s FERPA policy please visit
By adding a person proxy students waive all or some of their privacy rights under FERPA to the designated individual. Proxy access is set by the student and can allow a proxy universal access or restrict proxy access to certain information (such as only billing information or only financial aid information).
The designated individual will be able to view, print and download information to which you’ve granted them access. Person proxy access also grants designated individuals the right to communicate with Financial Aid, Bursar, and Registrar about information to which your student has permitted proxy access.
Person proxy access does not include permission to discuss student grades or academic performance with faculty.
How can I change proxy access?
Students may grant, modify, or revoke person proxy access at any time without a proxy’s consent or notification. Students may log into their MUHUB account at any time and make changes. The proxy will not be notified of any changes or revocations to proxy access.
Does person proxy replace a FERPA waiver?
A separate, paper FERPA waiver is not required to release information to a person proxy as long as the only information released aligns with the access the student has granted their proxy.
Can I give proxy access to a faculty or staff member at Marian?
Marian faculty and staff may not serve as a student’s proxy while acting in their professional capacity.
If a student wants to grant proxy access to a Marian staff or faculty member, the student must provide the proxy’s personal contact information (personal email, personal phone, etc.). When accessing MUHUB as a designated proxy, Marian faculty or staff acknowledge they are acting in a personal capacity with relation to the student and may not engage in activities as a proxy in their professional capacity. For example, a faculty member of a student cannot contact the Registrar’s office and request access to a student’s grades for which they are acting as a proxy because the student did not grant grade access as part of their proxy permissions.
Use the Person Proxy Access Instructions for a step-by-step guide on using this feature in MUHUB.
Beginning with summer 2022, all special topic course descriptions are added in the comments at the course section level and can be viewed on MUHUB.
Below are the links to the special topic courses by semester prior to the change in summer 2022:
Marian University allows for students to waitlist for selected courses if the capacity of the course has been reached.
Wait listing simply means: “waiting for a spot to become available”.
Adding yourself to a waitlist does NOT guarantee enrollment nor do the waitlisted credit hours count as enrolled hours, thus not impacting financial aid eligibility or billing. Students should always have a back- up plan in place when opting to waitlist for a course that has reached its listed capacity.
Students on the waitlist will be moved into the course if seats become available in the course, in the order by which they added themselves onto the waitlist. The waitlist runs automatically every night.
All enrollment into a course will follow the automated waitlist process. Faculty will not have the ability to request or allow specific students into their course prior to the first week of classes, regardless of whether the student is on the waiting list. If faculty want to allow additional enrollment into the course, they must increase the course enrollment limit accordingly. This allows for the waitlist to operate as intended, with students gaining access to the course in the order in which they added themselves to the waitlist. The Registrar’s Office will provide course waitlist totals to department chairs, scheduling editors, and/or Deans periodically throughout the registration timeframe.
When will I find out if I was moved into a course off of the waitlist?
The system automatically reviews the waitlist against seat availability on a nightly basis. You will receive an email notification if you are moved into a course from the waitlist. You should also check your schedule online periodically and always Be sure to make a final check the weekend before classes begin.
How can I confirm that I have added myself properly to the waitlist of a course?
You are not automatically added to a waitlist during the initial registration process. For courses that are full, you have the option to select a different section of the same course OR click the “waitlist button” if the course allows for students to waitlist.
When you initially click the “register now” button in MUHUB, you can see the status of your enrollment for each course. Review each course to verify enrollment or to take additional action steps, such as clicking the “waitlist” button, if you choose to add yourself to the waitlist.
Review your totals at the top of your course plan to confirm your “enrolled” credits vs “waitlist” credits. Your “planned” credits should be reduced to ZERO, if you have successfully registered and/or waitlisted properly. Depending on the number of planned classes, you may still have credit totals listed here.
When will the waiting lists be “closed”?
On the first day of the semester, the Registrar’s Office will “close” all waitlists and the only way to enroll in courses that are “closed” will be to contact instructors to request permission for enrollment. Faculty will email the permission for enrollment to the Registrar’s Office and the student course selection will be manually added to your schedule.
What to do if I DO NOT get a seat in the course prior to the first day of classes?
You can request permission for enrollment from the instructor. Typically, this is done by going to the first class or meeting day/time/location. Faculty will email the permission for enrollment to the Registrar’s Office so we can manually add the course to your schedule.
What to do if the instructor will NOT grant permission into the course?
Faculty are not required to exceed the capacity of their course nor are they required to grant permission once classes have started. However, most faculty will accommodate student requests for enrollment, if physical space in the classroom allows for additional enrollment.
If you are informed that no additional enrollments are being approved, you should immediately meet with your academic advisor to discuss other course options.