Transcripts for Fellowships & Residency
Use the Parchment Storefront and the directions below to request transcript uploads for ERAS, VSLO, or any other applicable residency or fellowship program. You will be prompted to create an account. This account is NOT linked to your Marian username and password.
- Be sure to select the “D.O. Only -Direct Transcript Upload for Residency / Fellowship Application” request option.
- A "Set Delivery Destination" prompt will be required.
- Select "I'm sending to myself or another individual" and select "another individual".
- Enter the application site name (ERAS, VSLO, etc.) as the recipient name and your email address as the delivery email.
*This request option will NOT send a copy of your transcript to an email address. It can only be used for programs that require your medical school to upload a copy of your transcript directly to their site through either an established login or an emailed upload link. To have a copy of your transcript emailed, select the “Transcript” option on the Parchment Storefront.
Standard processing time is three to five business days but can take longer during peak times.
Students are responsible for verifying that all grades are recorded on the academic record by reviewing the unofficial transcript in MUHUB PRIOR to submitting a transcript order via Parchment.
Additional instructions for VSLO:
- Submit an application through VSLO AND submit your request via Parchment if a transcript is needed.
- Not all VSLO applications have a transcript requirement. If a transcript is not required, a Parchment request is not needed.
- Once your transcript is uploaded, it will be used for any current and future VSLO applications submitted for the semester unless a new order is placed.
Additional instructions for Fellowships Apps:
- Request a token from the “ERAS Fellowships Documents Office” (EFDO)…
- Login to MyERAS using token, select “Additional Documents” from documents section…
- Click “EFDO On-line Services” at bottom of “Additional Documents” page…
- Click “MIDUS Request” at top...
- Read disclosures, check box by “I have read and accept the above disclosures.”; click “Continue” …
- Read instructions; click “New Document Request” ...
- Select document type requesting (MSPE or medical school transcript) and use the following entries under “Medical School Official's Contact Information” for each document:
- Ms., Trinity Mashall,, 317.955.6537 (this auto-emails a link to the Marian Registrar's Office to upload official Transcripts and MSPEs).
IMPORTANT: You must also go here to complete a Parchment Request in order to provide the Marian Registrar's Office permission/consent to upload a transcript.
- Click “OK” on a confirmation page… you’re done! You will get a confirmation email once each uploads.
Contact the Office of the Registrar at (317) 955-6050 or email if you have questions or need additional information.