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Transfer course approval and residency waiver

Follow the below procedure to obtain formal approval for a transfer course if one or more of the following is true:

  • the course does not appear on the TES website

  • the course is intended to fulfill a requirement within your major

  • the course you wish to take will fall within your last 30 credit hours prior to graduation with a bachelor degree (or 15 for associate degree) - residency waiver required

  1. Choose the course that you want to take. Visit to find out how courses from a variety of institutions will transfer to Marian University. If the courses are not listed on the TES site, obtain a course description from the transfer institution's website. If seeking a course to meet a particular Marian University requirement, you must review the course descriptions of courses offered at the transfer institution and choose the one that most closely matches the course description of the Marian University course for which you are trying to find an equivalent. Print the course description.

  2. Check the schedule at the college or university that you will be attending. Make sure the course is being offered during the semester in which you want to take it and at a time that will work for you. Please do not submit a course for approval unless you are reasonably sure that you will take the course.

  3. Print and complete the Transfer Course Approval form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar. You must attach the course description from the other institution if this is a course that does not appear on the TES site listed above.

  4. If you intend for the transfer course to fulfill a requirement within your major, you must also submit a statement from your academic advisor stating that they will take this transfer course as equivalent to the approved major course.

  5. If this course will fall within your last 30 credit hours prior to graduation with a bachelor degree (or 15 for associate degree), you must also print and complete the Residency Waiver form. You must obtain your academic advisor's signature on this form before returning it to the Office of the Registrar. The residency waiver form and the transfer course approval form must be submitted together.

  6. Your submitted documents will be reviewed by the Office of the Registrar. The transfer course approval form will be scanned and e-mailed back to you and will indicate whether or not the course has been approved. Allow at least one week to receive this approval. If you are requesting a residency waiver, it may take longer to learn whether your request has been approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs.

  7. After you have completed the course and a final grade has been recorded, request that an official transcript be sent to Marian University electronically or by mail. Official transcripts may also be hand-delivered if they remain in the original sealed envelope from the issuing college or university. Transcripts that have been opened can not be accepted. Failure to have a final official transcript sent to Marian University within three months of course completion may result in the course no longer being accepted for credit. Please note that only courses with a final grade of C- or better will be accepted in transfer. Nursing students must check with the School of Nursing to find out if they will require a higher grade such as a C or C+. Some other majors require a higher grade for courses used for the major or toward licensing requirements. It is the student's responsibility to check with the department to ensure they understand the grade requirements for their major.

If you have questions about transfer course approval, please contact Maryann Bonner at (317) 955-6053 or

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(317) 955-6000

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