A student wishing to withdraw from all courses must officially request withdrawal by submitted a Request to Withdraw from University form. Failure to request withdrawal will result in failing grades. A student who withdraws from Marian University may be entitled to full or partial reduction of charges. Reduction of charges is based on the official date of withdrawal as recorded in the Office of the Registrar. Consult with the Office of Financial Aid about the impact that withdrawal may have on your current financial aid awards.
A calendar week is defined as Monday through Sunday, regardless of the day of the week a class has started.
Effective fall 2022, this schedule applies to students pursing a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. To request a Leave of Absence (LOA) students must submit a COM-LOA form.
All students should pay student account charges by the university's published due dates. The student is responsible for any and all costs associated with collection efforts by Marian University. This may include interest, collection costs, attorney fees, and court fees.
Marian University offers tuition insurance to students through Grad Guard. Students are given the opportunity to enroll in tuition insurance each semester prior to the first day of classes. More information about tuition insurance may be reviewed here.
Certified copies of activation papers indicating action within the times listed below would need to be submitted by the service member or his/her family in order for the policies indicated above to be in force.
Disclaimer: This policy deals with tuition and course fee charges only. Room, Board and other incidental fees will be adjusted using a pro-rata formula for any unused portion based on the final date of attendance or residence. Textbooks and supplies normally cannot be returned outside of published University refund periods. No decisions have been made on room and board and other incidental fees. Students who are on high alert for call to military service should not register classes.
Withdraw and Refund Schedule for Students Called to Active Duty