Presented by Somerset CPAs and Advisors, Krieg DeVault, First Merchants Bank
We are excited to educate Marian University’s next generation of health care professionals. Ensuring our physicians and nurses have broader financial knowledge will ensure stronger primary care in our community.
The College of Osteopathic Medicine’s financial wellness program will offer programming presented by content experts. In addition, online financial wellness modules will be available on demand.
Program topics include: Introduction to student loans and loan debt repayment, financial considerations for board exam preparation and clinical rotations, basics of taxes, managing personal cash flow and your balance sheet, contract negotiation and loan debt repayment, legal environment of healthcare, career benefits and insurance, preparing for the unforeseen (wills/trusts, life, disability, and malpractice insurance), and retirement planning.
October 28, 2021, 6:00-7:15 P.M. in Evans Center - Lecture Hall 2 (Room 152)
Topic: Financial Considerations for Board Exam Preparation and Clinical Rotations
Proposed Presenter: Student panel consisting of those who took 1) Only COMLEX, 2) COMLEX and USMLE at the same time period, and 3) COMLEX and USMLE at different time periods
Mode of delivery: Lecture, virtual recording posted to Canvas page
3rd and 4th Year Students
November 18, 2021, 6:00-7:15 P.M. in Evans Center - Lecture Hall 2 (Room 152)
Topic: Personal Investing and Retirement Planning
Presenter: First Merchants Private Wealth Advisors
Mode of delivery: Lecture, virtual recording posted to Canvas page
3rd and 4th Year Students
January 27, 2022, 6:00-7:15 P.M. in Evans Center - Lecture Hall 2 (Room 152)
Topic: Basics of Taxes
Presenter: Somerset CPAs
Mode of delivery: Lecture, virtual recording posted to Canvas page
May 3, 2022, 5:00-6:15 P.M. in Evans Center - Lecture Hall 2 (Room 152)
Topic: Managing personal cash flow and your balance sheet
Presenter: First Merchants Private Wealth Advisors
Mode of delivery: Lecture, virtual recording posted to Canvas page
May 3, 2022, 6:30-7:45 P.M. in Evans Center - Lecture Hall 2 (Room 152)
Topic: Contract Negotiation and Loan Debt Repayment
Presenter: Krieg DeVault Health Law Team; targeted to Post-Matriculation & Residency
Mode of delivery: Lecture, virtual recording posted to Canvas
Digital Course Database:
Available to all Marian University COM/nursing students and alumni.
Topic: Introduction to Financial Wellness
Presenter: David Witzerman, School of Business
Mode of delivery: Virtual (Canvas), on-demand