Inclusive Certificates
Faculty and Staff Certification for Inclusivity

To support Marian University’s learning experience framework of impactful, inclusive, and integrated, we started a series of professional development opportunities to support inclusive teaching and to encourage a more inclusive work place. The Inclusive Certificate started in the fall of 2019 and has blossomed since then with its popularity.  While we only had one route for certification when we started, the certificate for Creating Inclusive Experiences, we currently created three options offering levels of certification. If you have already completed level 1, which is the original offering, consider participating in the other two levels.

Level 1: Creating Inclusive Experiences (Original)

This is the original certificate that was started in Fall of 2019. This certificate focuses on the basics of inclusivity and implicit bias.  To fulfill the certification requirements for this level, please do the following:

  1. Select four events that interest you from the list below. You must participate in at least one event that discusses implicit bias (marked with an asterisk).
  2. Answer the questions on this form and submit it - Creating Inclusive Experiences Submission Form

Once the form is submitted, it will be reviewed and you will be contacted about your certification status.

Events from which to choose:

Level 2: Marian Pledge

Have you considered your personal role in helping Marian University to be a welcoming place for all who engage with our community? The Marian Pledge is an anti-bias curriculum designed by faculty and staff across campus; including Dr. Penny Asay and Dr. Michael Slavkin from Psychological Sciences and Counseling, and Michelle Meer from Social Work. The Marian Pledge team assembled an array of articles, materials, and program documentation that advances multiculturalism, as well as anti-bias training. Specifically, the Marian Pledge is designed to challenge any interested faculty, staff and students to explore on their own or in small learning communities materials that help to advance our understanding of living life as a diverse and responsible citizen in 21st Century America. The hope is to encourage each of us to be active in eradicating "isms" from our campus community and our world at large. We do this to respect individuals as well as learn from diverse cultures, perspectives, and traditions. The Marian Pledge challenges the Marian community as we examine and celebrate what it means to be anti-racist and anti-biased. Not only does this material meet several areas of university needs, but also our individual needs in being better people and better able to welcome diverse voices and individuals to our community. This is a self-paced, 30-day Canvas course, which you may enroll into at any time.  

Self-Enroll Into The Course

Level 3: Leading the Change

Individuals seeking this certification level will be working in small groups. More information forthcoming on the details of this certificate.


© 2021 Marian University
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students.
*Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation.

Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education.

Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.

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