On April 26, 2021, the Fred S. Klipsch Educators College at Marian University was granted full accreditation at the initial-licensure level and advanced-level from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) for seven years. Fred S. Klipsch Educators College (KEC) continues to demonstrate excellence in the areas of content and pedagogy, clinical experiences, selectivity, program impact, and capacity for continuous improvement. The next accreditation visit is scheduled for Fall 2027. The following table provides a list of approved and new programs at both the initial and advanced level:
Initial Licensure Programs | Advanced Licensure Programs |
Early Childhood Education (MAT, T2T) | Building Level Administration (MAEL, Licensure) |
Elementary Education (BA, MAT, T2T) | Superintendent (Ed.D.)* |
Secondary Education (BA, MAT, T2T) | School Counseling (MSSC)* |
Exceptional Needs Learners P-12 (BA, MA, T2T) |
* New programs added since last CAEP review
The Education Preparation Provider (EPP) measures impact on P-12 student learning and development through the principal satisfaction survey and teacher effectiveness data provided by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE).
Because Indiana does not gather and share value-add or impact on P-12 student learning data related to individual teachers, the EPP elected to conduct two case studies during the 2019-2020 school year to provide evidence of the impact EPP completers have on P-12 student learning. Based on a recommendation from CAEP and a review of the new 2022 CAEP standards, the EPP decided to create and pilot a new assessment to provide additional data for Measure 1. KEC conducted a pilot study to compare student achievement data from completers that can share P-12 student performance classroom and/or district data. The EPP received 2021-22 impact data from one school partner and is continuing to pursue additional data. The data will be analyzed to measure program completers’ impact on P-12 students’ learning and reported in Spring 2024 to inform continuous program improvement.
The IDOE distributes annual employer surveys to all Indiana school corporations and schools.
Principals evaluate the quality of novice teachers who completed an Indiana educator preparation program (EPP) within the last two (2) years.
Pricipals complete the survey evaluating novice teachers by responding to statements indicating their level of performance satisfaction with the teacher’s preparation received from the EPP. The survey is separated into three domains: knowledge preparation, pedagogical preparation, and professional disposition preparation. Domains reflect criteria found in the professional standards (CAEP) and Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards. Results depict the principals' level of agreement regarding how well the EPP prepared them to impact the learning and development of P-12 students.
Beech Grove Community Schools |
Charter Schools: |
Brownsburg Community Schools |
Allegiant Prep Academy |
Carmel Clay Schools |
Believe Circle City High School |
Clark-Pleasant Community Schools |
Enlace Academy - NCN |
Franklin Community Schools |
Global Preparatory Academy |
Franklin Township Community School Corp |
Indiana Connections Academy |
Indianapolis Public Schools |
Matchbook Learning, Inc. |
MSD of Decatur Township |
Phalen Leadership Academies – PLA |
MSD of Lawrence Township |
Purdue Polytechnic High School |
MSD of Perry Township |
Tindley Summit School |
MSD of Pike Township |
MSD of Warren Township |
Archdiocese of Indianapolis: |
Speedway Schools |
Central Catholic School |
Western Boone County Schools |
Holy Angels Catholic School |
Zionsville Community Schools |
Bishop Chatard High School |
St. Monica Catholic School |
Diocese of Lafayette in Indiana: |
Guerin Catholic High School |
To be licensed in the state of Indiana, a program completer must take and pass state-mandated content and pedagogy exams for their licensure area. Exams were administered through Pearson assessments until August 30, 2021. On September 1, 2021, ETS PRAXIS became the new testing vendor for the state of Indiana. Exam scores are reported annually comparing Marian with the state of Indiana in the following areas: average test scores, the average number of attempts before passing, percentage of passing on their first attempt, and the number of candidates not passing/not retaking exams.
The EPP collects self-reported data to determine the rate at which program completers are employed in teaching or other education positions after program completion.