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Marian University 4+1 Teacher Residency Program


Klipsch Educators College at Marian University is distinctive because we provide our world with an infusion of well-prepared teachers. Our unique education model prepares educators and leaders with the talent, expertise, and courage to tackle tough social and educational challenges. They have the compassion to impact and nurture students of all ages and backgrounds to ensure they have the high-quality education they deserve. Our candidates become transformative leaders. They will inspire children to be the best versions of themselves, in the classroom and in the world that surrounds them. They will teach with the knowledge, skills, and experience required to be a classroom innovator and school leader.

Program Delivery

The Klipsch Educators College residency program is an accelerated 4+1 bachelor’s to master’s program. Teacher candidates begin taking courses towards their master’s degree in year four of their undergraduate preparation. Candidates have between 200-300 hours of clinical experience prior to residency. The residency is a full year teaching experience in a partner school under the tutelage of a Marian Master Teacher.


Residency teacher candidates are members of a cohort and will progress through their courses in a predetermined sequence. Variations must have approval from the Graduate Academic Advisor. During the program period, cohort members are able to earn a Masters of Arts in Teaching or Masters of Arts in Special Education.

A speaker presenting at a podium in front of a Marian University backdrop during a university event.

Support Systems

Mentorship, coaching, and professional development resources available to residents:

  • Teacher Residents become full members of their placement school community for a full academic year.
  • Each Teacher Resident is paired with a Marian Master Teacher and Marian Clinical Faculty
  • Marian Master Teachers work collaboratively with Marian Clinical Faculty to provide Teacher Residents with ongoing instructional coaching support
  • Marian Teacher Residency program fosters a deep, mutually beneficial partnership with the placement schools/districts

Residency Structure

The residency is one full school year, beginning when the Teacher Resident’s assigned school year begins. In the beginning, the Teacher Resident will be expected to play an active, but supportive, instructional role as their Marian Master Teacher leads instruction and, over time, begin to engage in more professional and teaching responsibilities. The Marian Master Teacher and Clinical Faculty will decide the degree of responsibilities that will be released to the Teacher Resident.

The residency program is designed with co-teaching as the underlying model for the Teacher Residents at Klipsch Educators College. The Marian Master Teacher and Teacher Resident share the responsibility of the classroom with the Marian Master Teacher guiding, coaching, and releasing responsibilities to the Teacher Resident as the Teacher Resident shows competencies in their ability to advance in their practice. The Teacher Resident will gradually take on classroom and school responsibilities under the direction and guidance of Clinical Faculty and their Marian Master Teacher.

Occasionally, a Teacher Resident will be selected to serve as the Teacher of Record in a classroom rather than a co-teacher. This decision must be agreed upon well in advance in order to coordinate the various aspects of the Teacher Resident’s support and expectations. This is not the ideal model for the residency but may be approved in some limited cases. When this occurs, the structure of support and collaboration between the Teacher Resident and Marian Master Teacher will need to look different.

Match Day Highlight

Match Day is a significant milestone where Teacher Residents are paired with their placement schools, marking the beginning of their transformative journey.

A group of people engaging with a table, likely at an event, with one person seated and interacting with a few attendees.

Active Residency Partners

We proudly collaborate with the following schools and districts to provide exceptional residency experiences:

  • Allegiant Prep Academy
  • Archdiocese of Indianapolis
  • Beech Grove City Schools
  • Believe Circle City High School
  • Cold Springs School
  • Decatur Township Schools
  • Enlace Academy
  • Geo Academies
  • Indiana Math and Science Academy - North
  • Indiana Math and Science Academy - West
  • Indianapolis Public Schools
  • Options Charter Schools
  • Perry Township Schools
  • Phalen James & Rosemary Leadership Academy
  • Phalen Leadership Academies
  • Purdue Polytechnic High School
  • Sankofa School of Success
  • Tindley Summit

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3200 Cold Spring Road
Indianapolis, IN 46222-1997
(317) 955-6000

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© 2025 Marian University

Notice of Nondiscrimination: Marian University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age or disabilities in the selection of administrative personnel, faculty and staff, and students. Placement rates are gathered from data collected from graduates within six months of graduation. Students may make a complaint to the Indiana Commission of Higher Education. Marian University is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Indiana.